

Is anyone else fascinated with black diamonds? Not colored diamonds found all over the world, but the ones found in only 2 strewn fields on the planet. I read an article a couple of years ago that Smithsonian scientists said they did not grow on earth, they're from outside our solar system & landed on a meteor, with a very unique carbon crystalline structure. Here's what just one site has to say about the metaphysical properties:

'Black Diamond or Carbonado is a very unusual stone. It is a poly-crystalline structure, meaning that each black diamond contains many small cystals fused together. The Black Diamonds are not from Planet earth. They arrived in meteors about 2.3 billion years ago. Diamond is a stone of exceptional power and miraculous abilities. It is a king of gems, the strongest precious stone. Ancient Greeks named it "adamas", meaning invincible, indestructible. Diamond helps to keep the mind clear and focused and strengthens abstract thinking. The Black Diamond gives strength to go inwards and accept all facets of oneself. It helps one speak the truth and walk the straight path. Aligns the wearer with their higher purpose and brings purity to the heart. It also inspires creativity, imagination, ingenuity, brilliance and inventiveness. The diamond also draws to it abundance. Not necessarily just an abundance of wealth, but in all areas of one's life. Happiness, success, etc. The diamond helps with clarity or removing the fog from the mind and aids enlightenment. It enhances powers of other minerals and gem stones. The Black Diamond works especially well with tektite, moldavite, iron meteorite and other stones that are from 'elsewhere'.'

I have hoop earrings with small ones but I really need more fingers. They mentioned moldavite in the article. Right. I'll just run out & get some. WAY expensive.


Well, who knew? Thanks for posting that! I wonder where one can buy them...? Canid, can you hint or say where you got yours...? You aren't talking about the black diamonds commonly seen in jewellery stores, I am sure...

I would love to have a rough one!

And now I am wondering how those would work, if paired with Herkimer diamonds ;)


I think it was Amazon, not sure now. I'm also not sure about jewelry stores; haven't been in one in years. I guess you'd have to trust the seller? At least question them. Herkimers, hmm. I just put one in a glass of water to 'steep'...


I found this Wikipedia page which explains a lot about its scientific well as this which also explains a bit...

...and then further Google prodding revealed that carbonados are indeed the black diamonds used by jewellers. So it appears you can buy jewellery made of it from local jewellers or large chain or box store jewellers, as well as online. Widely available, which was what I was hoping to find out, lol!