Dating the Emperor


So this is a card that comes up alot in readings for someone in my life a romantic partner/friend; mostly how he feels about me. This person is heavily focused on the future sometimes at expense of the present. He's discussed very serious topics maybe too early on and expressed a deep want of marriage and kids but at the same time very fearful of the road to get there. He started off quite intensely romantic, emotional, and playful maybe a bit on the feminine side, but quickly became very intense, serious, dominating, orderly, wanting control, fatherly, not to mention he's definitely older than what I'm used to dating..still loving and caring but in a more repressed for the sake of logic and order sort of way. O_O He is a good person, but what can you tell me about love with the emperor? I'm a bit on the fence. It's an intense energy; gentle natured but ALOT of pressure.

Who is he a good match for? Someone who will completely surrender to his authority perhaps hanged man? lol...What does he feel for a woman? Wants to own her or wants to take care and provide for her and the family?



I would think the Emperor's ideal mate would be the Empress. He would run the kingdom and she would run the home.

In the context of relationships, I would say the Emperor's authority is of more of a paternal nature. Reversed, the card might express more of the dominating/domineering energy. I think the Emperor would want to provide for everyone as opposed to own them.



An Emperor wants stability and control, though this control is usually the more "life is in order, everything is planned, and all the ts are crossed" kind and not the completely domineering kind (until you get to the shadow, anyway). I would definitely say an Emperor would want their partner to be taken care of, but sometimes the way they might go about it might end up, well, a bit controlling!

So I think the best partner for an Emperor would be someone who is able to bring a little freedom and flexibility into the Emperor's world, and be loud and clear with the Emperor is treating them more like a project than a partner. On the flip side, an Emperor is a good partner for someone who is a bit too immature or wild for their own good, as long as they don't try to ground that free spirit completely.


The Empress is definitely a good match for the Emperor. The Emperor can represent someone who will be there for the other person because he wants to be a provider. Of course, if negatively crossed, it could be a control issue.


The emperor would be someone exactly as you've already said, but this guy does like a challenge in a woman, and he will be totally turned off by possessiveness, obsessiveness, control freak types , he just prefers a woman who is classy, sweet, warm, has class and is not so much of an emotional burden.

Being argumentative or trying to start fights with this guy he hates, and if anyone tries to make him feel trapped ...he'll be straight out of that door.

He just wants someone who is sincere in their heart, definitely not the rowdy type...he hates these types of girls...he prefers sweet natured types, someone who has patience with him and understands him.

If you've got all this then your fine, .....this is how your gonna keep your Emperor guy.

But there's no point in pretending, as the cracks will show eventually.


Sharla Thank you :) I feel like I made him sort of emperory -__- I don't think it's his nature... He says he's usually submissive in relationships (he is quite a passive person) and I usually end up taking the lead and calling the shots and having control in past relationships...but I didn't like control...I only did because I felt I had to and didn't want to call the shots in this one, he just seemed to have a really good head on his shoulders so I asked him to make the decisions and much preferred he wore the pants...I was very empressy towards him and still am, but I think I may have created a monster; any slight feel of losing control or even after his own emotional displays even affectionate ones he gets cold and distant. He's convinced I need someone strong and masculine, which is partially true but too much completely turns me off. He started obsessing over our potential future together too early on and he tends to like to dominate things and plan out everything a little too much now...

Carter- Thanks
-__-...I guess I still don't understand how the empress and emperor are considered to be a great match lol. I just don't know how they relate on a personal level.

830- Thanks My thoughts are they're opposites and I think you need to be able to merge quite a bit personality wise for a relationship to flow well?...

Latana I think you may be right; I think he really helped me when I was being reckless but after some time I felt he wanted to kill all of my freespirited ideals and aspirations for the sake of logic and order and going by the book while I lovingly encouraged his freespiritedness and wanderlust. :( He's very kind and fatherly and what I needed at the time but longterm the Emperor is definitely not my kind of man...I'd take king of pentacles or king of cups anyday. That might be because I'm mostly earth sign dominated and fire signs tend to run me down after awhile.


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I didn't include each name individually initiaully, but my response was for all who responded. I have seperated for you. Thanks
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Who is he a good match for? Someone who will completely surrender to his authority perhaps hanged man? lol...What does he feel for a woman? Wants to own her or wants to take care and provide for her and the family?


I recently wrote that I'm married to the Emperor. I was specifically referring to the Dreaming Way tarot interpretation, but this is the crux:

"It looks like he has a lot on his mind. In fact, I recognise the beard-stroking and far-away stare because my husband does it too (he's not so nattily-dressed, though). He usually has that look when he's thinking about his responsibilities and how he has to take care of everything and everyone. He takes it very seriously. He'll say it's not that he doesn't trust anyone else to do it (it's exactly that), it's just that he likes to know it's done right. There are 'i's to dot and 't's to cross and if he does it, it will be done exactly right and ahead of time. Just like his tax return.

When I say 'taking care of' people, be clear that I am not talking about their emotions or feelings. Those are not his domain. 'Taking care of' means the bills are paid, everyone has everything they need, and there are savings in the bank. Things have to run smoothly and to order. Order is so important to him - you have to be organised when everyone is relying on you, you know. He works better alone - and at arm's length - and takes care of things in his own way. That's why The Emperor is sitting alone amongst the flowers at the side of the road. It's peaceful and there is no one to distract him.

In short, The Emperor is an organised leader, a business man, he's capable and conservative, and he's a father figure - stable and reliable, just like the tree that portrays him in The Wild Unknown."

To specifically answer your question, as a Sharla indicated, this man doesn't want a pushover - he needs to respect his partner - and doesn't like someone who is clingy, possessive or tries to stifle him or hold him too close. He wants to provide and will take that very seriously but he'll expect that his partner upholds their end of the bargain too, by being supportive, willing to be taken care of, not needing too much emotional input and giving him space.

I hope this is helpful.