Legal Issues Spread?



Can anyone help with spreads regarding to someone going through legal issues? Crimes of any sort. I don't mind if it's about outcome, lessons learnt, how to help, I am just looking for some clarity.

Thank you. :)


There is the Scales of Justice if that helps. I´m sure we had a few more, though. I´ll try to see if I can find them..


there is also a few posted in the past by rwcarter here

You can make your own spread with the positions if none of the AT ones exactly fit! make sure you share it in the spreads if you do, for others in the future :)

Also I would recommend doing a proper Celtic Cross spread and maybe using the Justice card as a significator or the spread focus. The CC is perfect for this with the formal positions.


Thank you Hemera and Danieljuk

I will give both of those a try. :)


Thanks danieljuk. :thumbsup: I added that link (with rwcarter´s spread) to the index. I think it was there in the past but got lost at some point!