The Queen of Pentacles is haunting me! Help!


A Queen of Wands is not someone who makes you feel secure :) Quite the contrary, she shakes up your world. The guy in question trusts you so much to open up with personal information, so I guess that's why the QoP stands better in your situation to signify you and his feelings towards you.

Both queens are highly sexual (actually all queens are), considering the dynamics of your relationship though, i.e. he needs to pay for your companionship, I am not surprised by the appearance of QoP since the suit pentacles are related to money and all the earthly things.

I quite a few times got the QoP for my mutual love interest at work as for his feelings and the signifier for me, since he couldn't keep me around without money. I was his private tutor and once the budget no more covered my presence there, it ended. In short, the QoP is someone you do business with. However much sexy you find her...


Queen/Wands = Shock, Queen/Pents = Awe

It seems there is consensus! I've definitely been looking at her all wrong. I'm still not sure how her sexuality differs from the Queen of Wands, and why she would fit a courtesan, or at least me, better than the Queen of Wands.
It's not a matter that only one can be the courtesan, it's a matter of WHY they are courtesans. Queen/Wands is a woman of passion, and so may not do what she does for money (or only money). Fame is what is important to her. She always wants to be blazing, the illumination that no one can look away from. In the spotlight. For this reason, she might do and say outrageous things. She also wants to be the Queen Bee. That's very important to her. All men and women must pay attention to her when she enters the room. Thus, she's more likely to be the Madam of a house rather than just one of the group. It keeps her in charge, allows her to direct everyone, and makes sure that no one disregards her.

Finally, being the sort who likes to be in charge, and have a lot of sizzling fun, she'd more likely go the route of dominatrix. A dominatrix, after all, is the sort of courtesan who has a man's full attention at all times ;)

The Queen/Pents, while she certainly equally a queen and equally wanting to be the focus of attention and in charge, does want material rewards for her efforts; she absolutely believes she's worth every penny, and works hard to make sure of that. When everyone looks at her, it's not because she's wearing the most shocking gown, but because she is wearing the most beautiful and tasteful and rich gown. When she controls a man's attention, it's because of how artfully she's handled every step and stage of their evening together: amazing dinner, perfectly arranged boudoir, her figure and face breathtaking. She wants "awe" rather than "shock" :D

Do you see the difference? The Queen/Wands' courtesan wants men to discuss the shocking things she does, and give her fame/infamy. The Queen/Pents wants them to discuss how artful and tasteful and beautiful she is—and how well worth the money, she is.


But now it makes a bit more sense, if she's literally just me then when she comes up reversed perhaps that just means he's feeling less in tune with me? And when she's upright he's feeling positive about me as he sees me?


So I would think he would see me as the Queen of Wands. I mean, I'm totally the Queen of Wands right? Unless perhaps he feels that down the road we will be stable together, build a home, rely on one another, and generally be there for one another no matter what other craziness we bring into the mix. Which I suppose was and possibly still is a general feeling/expectation between us.
If the Queen of Pentacles has most often appeared in readings about him in relation to you, then it's safe to say that this card is how he generally sees you. That was my initial impression in your earlier reading, too -- though the particular QP facets that I'd suggested then weren't the applicable ones, in light of your new information...

Instead, I suspect that his seeing you as a QP hinges upon the fact that you're a courtesan/escort -- one who happens to have an "earthy" sexual presence that he's enjoyed... But it seems that he currently dislikes (Rx) some aspect of your being an escort (QP): your continuing to service other men, perhaps, or the money that he's had to spend... So I wouldn't expect an occasionally upright QP to mean that any such attitude has changed, unless the situation itself changes and/or his actions do. (Any other cards in the reading must be considered, as well.)

It may be worth keeping in mind that an apparent lack of possessiveness towards you doesn't mean that he isn't feeling possessive -- secretly wishing that you'd drop the other guys and be only *his* lover, so he'd no longer have to share (or pay)... And his pride, or a personal "rulebook" of social behaviour, may be all that prevents him from admitting to any such preference (if he hasn't done so already). Even seemingly very open, honest people can house secrets and hidden agendas -- and not everyone is fully in touch with their less desirable/socially unacceptable emotions like jealousy and possessiveness, besides.

So his family-building innuendoes don't necessarily mean that he seeks a mutually committed relationship. He may just want your pleasuring abilities to be more comfortably out of others' reach, and more conveniently/freely available for himself, while creating a kid or two along the way... Meanwhile staying essentially separate and quietly roaming whenever the mood should strike, with a Queen of Wands who's caught his eye, perhaps, or a sweet little Queen of Cups for something new, etc... (Maybe behaviour like that from him really wouldn't bother you, but if it would, the possibility should at least be considered, no matter how willing to commit he may seem.)