Knight of Pentacles Reversed as means to overcome obstacle


Does it mean that repetitive practice will get me to where I want to go?

The obstacle was the Page of Pentacles, which I took to mean too much enthusiasm, maybe even trying too hard.

Reversed Knight of Pentacles suggests repetitiveness and boredom.

Does this mean I should only practice when I don't feel like it, when it's boring and not exciting? Perhaps being too eager and excited is getting in my way, but if I only practiced when I didn't feel like it, I'll have a better chance of success? This seems weird.


Practice what, though? Surely the cards relate to the details.

Page - Obstacle might be "being a beginner."
Knight - But getting to a "higher rank" eventually (Rx = "extra slow")..

The reversal isn't a different meaning (to me, at least), just a footnote of extra information. Here, it could imply that the Knight's energy is not yet ripe, still baking, but it gets there just the same. (Coins = earth, the slowest element, but longest lasting).

Still, the specifics make a difference, as sometimes the cards are very literal.


My bet is the "trying to hard" thing. If you're like I was, it can seem so bewildering and so complicated that I thought I'd never "get it". I'd see all the more experienced people giving such in-depth and super perceptive answers to questions and I just couldn't come anywhere near their posts and their understanding of the cards. Just keep hanging in there and it will eventually all come to you. Probably much faster than it did to me. :)


I usually interpret a reversed Knight/Pents to mean traits like obsessiveness. I don't think there's anything wrong with your interpretation, but I'd be more inclined to think of this card (in this position) as being advice to focus on an aspect of your practice that actually gets you obsessed with the subject, which is different than a general desire to be accomplished in it. Instead of trying to squash your pagey tendency to get overeager by killing that eagerness with boredom and repetition, I say overcome it by replacing it altogether with a legitimate passion and sense of purpose.

The Page/Pents knows that he wants to be helpful but doesn't always have the direction he needs to manage it, which can sometimes lead to him getting underfoot and being UNHELPFUL, but the Knight/Pents (reversed) knows exactly which direction he wants to go and will stop at nothing in order to get there.


The knight seems to be the problem area, there may be stagnation as far as learning tarot is concerned, also failure to set goals, being work shy, bored, lack of focus and skill, no long term plans etc.

The page P is the exact opposite to Knight P rx, possessing the qualities he lacks. Under the page we take charge of our long term goals and set realistic targets, there's good grounding and well researched information.

Basically then tapping into the page to overthrow the rx knight.


@LeFou - I like the simplicity of that explanation, but the extra slow bit is disheartening. By the way, my question was about being able to have a past-life regression.

@Grizabella - the Page of Pentacles meaning trying too hard really resonates with me. That was my first thought too.

@Moonpaw - interesting interpretation, but I am already obsessed with it. Perhaps what I need is more focus and direction.

@headincloud - your interpretation would make sense if the position of the two cards were reversed, but in my reading, the Page was the obstacle while the reversed Knight was the way to overcome it.