The Emperor as a man's feelings for a woman


I think this could certainly be a facet of him but I also would think there's likely much more to it. I think of him also as being very mature, experienced, efficient and stable. To see only the "ruler" aspects of him is like saying that all parents are "domineering, controlling, owning"...

They are in charge yes, but they're not all abusive control freaks. Whether the Emperor qualities are a positive or a negative in any given relationship situation is certainly debatable and open to much discussion but it seems simplistic to me to just dismiss an Emperor person as "domineering, controlling, and owning".

That's an extreme outlook for a general overview "Extreme control freaks".....There are 21 other cards that also balance out this human path...

I'm sure your descriptions would fit your world and experiences of that card...for me it's the controller, king, reigning...

Your comment of "all parents" is not true either...if we're talking of extremes...but we're not...we're talking general overviews...not about unbalanced psychs.


That's an extreme outlook for a general overview "Extreme control freaks".....There are 21 other cards that also balance out this human path...

I'm sure your descriptions would fit your world and experiences of that card...for me it's the controller, king, reigning...

Your comment of "all parents" is not true either...if we're talking of extremes...but we're not...we're talking general overviews...not about unbalanced psychs.

I'm not quite sure what you mean. I hadn't made any comments about "Extreme control freaks" so maybe that part was meant in response to another poster on the thread.

But exactly right. It's NOT true that all parents are abusive control freaks, that was my point. So I think we're in agreement though over all, I'm a bit confused by your post. My basic meaning is that just because the Emperor is in charge, IMO, he is NOT necessarily abusive or a control freak or an unbalanced psych.


We do agree after all ...


Wow lots of the negative aspects of the emperor here.. Nisaba thank you for a more balanced look.

The emperor is one of my favorite cards/archetypes. Maybe because I'm an Aries or because of the stability it represents but for whatever reason it's just my card.

Down sides are numerous, yes, but do are the good aspects.

He is stable, a leader by example, a provider, a builder (physically, mentally, emotionally building up, not tearing down), wise, good, generous, fair, just,
He's the parent that lets you make your mistakes, instead of being the parent that enables or hovers and over protects.

Something I've wondered about is why people associate "conquer" or the need to conquer to the Emperor. He is the Emperor, it's all his already. He protects what is his but it's all his already. That's why he's the Emperor.

I see the need to conquer as belonging to the Kings, conquer emotions, conquer passions, conquer the physical or financial, conquer the intellect.. But what the Kings are conquering bending to their will, the Emperor has already accomplished. He was "a king" now he is THE KING and He's got the cup, the sword, the wand and the coin prove it.
If that makes any sense at all.

The emperor as a man's feelings for a woman, some of my interpretation would depend on other cards drawn.
But Id say he sees her as stable, got it together, a bit dominant, doesn't need him but wants him, maybe intimidating, maybe even as his "meal ticket" to an easy or easier life if he thinks she'll wear the pants and bring home the bacon.

An Aries can be an intimidating person and can be difficult to live with. We're independent, fiery, leaders.. We can also be assholes who think we know the right way to do things and will insist on it being done our way when possible (my kids do not like washing dishes when I'm supervising, I'm a bit OCD about it, I see it as my Aries, "my house, my rules" coming out)


My favorite card

In a relationship I see the emperor as a positive card. And you explained that very well. An emperor in a relationship is a mature and powerful image. The maturity bring the wisdom, understanding, caring, patience, and unconditional love. The Power of his image always related to his leadership character in a relationship in every aspect. The emperor represents an unconditional love which ready to nucture and love you in a maturity ways in the future. He is the symbol of stability and fatherly figure who always ready to hold your back. Don't worry about the domination, because the emperor will always treat his partner as an Empress (equal). The problem is, you need to check your own card, are u an empress, queen or lovers.. it could bring an answer whether you are suitable for him or not. Only the empress who understand her position on how to rules, love, provides the happiness, and makes the emperor dedicating his life for their family. Additional opinions =. ~An Emperor is a good father. ~A king is a good husband\partner. ~ A lover is a good cheater. Good luck.. :)


I sometimes see the Emperor as all the Kings rolled up into one - so he could have a romantic side to him, despite outward appearances perhaps, possibly being strict or firm, definately in charge, but not without feelings. :)

I see The Emperor this way as well. He is strict/etc, but also has love/caring for those he protects.


Emperors do's how they create Empires

Something I've wondered about is why people associate "conquer" or the need to conquer to the Emperor. He is the Emperor, it's all his already. He protects what is his but it's all his already. That's why he's the Emperor. I see the need to conquer as belonging to the Kings, conquer emotions, conquer passions
Depends on what you mean by "conquer." Emperor = Empire and most Emperors don't inherit Empires. They conquer territory and create empires. Like, for example, Roman Emperors who were almost always warring and expanding. Or Napoleon who didn't not crown himself "king" but "Emperor" and, again, was always warring, expanding and "conquering." As for tarot Kings...they don't conquer anything. As a prince (knight), the future King learns the ropes of how to rule his particular kingdom (conquers intellect, emotion, passions). When mature enough, he inherits the kingdom and rule of it. This mean he neither has to expand beyond his kingdom (conquer territory) to be king and that he' already "been-there-and-done-that" in conquering himself.

What this means is that if you're using the word to mean "conquer your fears" or something like that, then neither the Kings nor the Emperor do that. They are both in charge of themselves and have "mastered" whatever it is they were meant to master. But the Emperor does stand for a ruler (or person) who is ambitious and isn't just a "king" but a general, a warrior who wants to "conquer" in the same way that a Caesar or Napoleon did. To bring under his control what is outside of him and not yet in his control.

So, you can argue that the need to conquer some internal weakness is not a quality of the Emperor; that I'll fully agree, doesn't scan. But you can't say it's a quality in the Kings. It's not. Conquering something in order to be a master of it is what the Knights do. The Kings are already there, masters of it. On the other hand, if we go for the definition of conquer as making something outside ourselves, which is not ours, part of our territory or belongings...that IS part of the Emperor definition. So, I don't think that word "conquer" can be completely denied when discussing the Emperor. :)

Frost Mirriam

For me Emperor as feelings usually shows that person have not so much feelings in fact. It's like more of 'building strategies' and 'conquering territories' for him, self-affirmation kind of thing. Which also mean that he controls the situation (and himself too), and it depends only on him where it will go.

But fatherly love, guidance... No, in my opinion these things are more represented by Hierophant.


I have seen The Emperor show often as "He is there for her." So I interpret it as someone who feels nurturing in a masculine sort of way and is being present.