Moon Personality

Queen of Cups 714

I'm trying to figure out how to use the Tarot cards in regards to what someone thinks of you in the sense of personality.

In this case the reading is about a co-workers perception of me.

I've done daily readings in regards to this particular co-worker perception of me. I was asking during the reading in line of 'What does he think of me?' and 'Does he believe me?' trying to gauge what's on his mind as I never received a verbal response from him in regards to a conflict I approached him about at work.

Half the time I kept on getting the Moon card which I see as 'Fear, Anxiety and insecurities' I've also looked at some descriptions that call the Moon card as plain evil.

So his perception of me is unstable, evil and full of insecurities?

The full story to the issue at hand for which I did this 'personality reading' I posted previously under '3 of Cups---but what is really beneath?'

Thank you for reading. :)


he could see you as someone who is a bit insecure but in my experience the moon in this position usually means you are a mystery to him and he may be a little drawn to that but it's in kind of a primal way more than the way the high priestess would be a more refined type of mysterious if that makes sense? like raw energy that might scare him a bit but is still intriguing.


So his perception of me is unstable, evil and full of insecurities?

Not necessarily his perception of you, but possibly his perception of the conflict you brought to his attention. After all, conflict can certainly create an environment of instability and insecurity. Perhaps he is unsure and confused about how to handle the situation.



The Moon is NOT evil. No card in the deck is pure "anything." None of them. Not pure good. Not pure bad. But ANY of them can be very good or very bad given the circumstances, question, people involved, etc. It's all about the context.

What the Moon *IS* is unpredictable. On the plus side, that's creative, intuitive, psychic unpredictable. It's carnival rides and dark starry nights unpredictable. It's sailing out on the high seas by, yes, the light of the moon, or walking through a wilderness unpredictable. Meaning scary-exciting-emotional-dreamy "Good." On the negative side it's illusions, nightmares, lunacy, and maybe dangerous unpredictable. There's tricks and trickery, there's those who will use the darkness and your inability to see clearly to take advantage of you. Meaning scary-terrified-unstable-trickster "Bad."

What can you distill from this? Your co-worker probably doesn't believe you. Not necessarily because he thinks you're trying to trick him, but because you are a mystery to him. Strange and unknowable. He may even feel he can't think clearly around you. Unlike most people, you aren't boring, or predictable, and that has him uncertain, maybe even confused. Are you true or a trick? He can't decide. So he's going for being safe rather than sorry and not trusting you. On the plus side, he may recognize that this is his problem, not yours. That he feels this way because you awe and befuddle him, not because he knows for a fact that you're untrustworthy or dishonest.


I'm trying to figure out how to use the Tarot cards in regards to what someone thinks of you in the sense of personality.

In this case the reading is about a co-workers perception of me.


Half the time I kept on getting the Moon card which I see as 'Fear, Anxiety and insecurities' I've also looked at some descriptions that call the Moon card as plain evil.

So his perception of me is unstable, evil and full of insecurities?

I don't know why anyone would call the Moon card evil.

Remember, you pulled the card for his perception of you, not for who you really are.

The Moon as someone else's perception is an interesting one. It might indicate that they think you are overly emotional, which is not necessarily a bad thing and absolutely isn't evil.

But you think about it. The Moon is a card of shadows, and things hidden in shadows. So what I think the card is telling you is that he hasn't got you figured out, yet: he knows there's a lot to you that he hasn't seen or understood yet.

Also not an evil thing. And in the context of a workplace, a very good thing. Advice from an old lady: never, ever give too much of your personal self away to your workmates. It never ends well.