The Hermit's Staff?


I read in one of these threads that the Hermit's staff is represented by the homunculus. Is this true? Can someone please elaborate on this? Or, if it is not true, where is his staff? Does he even have one in this deck?



I would say rather that the homunculus is represented by the staff in other decks while here it is shown as-is. Since the Hermit is attributed to Yod and has connections to Mercury the homunculus is a good representation of those qualities. I don't see a staff there, at any rate.

La'al quiet fella

Quote about the hermit card that might help from Snuffin's book

I read in one of these threads that the Hermit's staff is represented by the homunculus. Is this true? Can someone please elaborate on this? Or, if it is not true, where is his staff? Does he even have one in this deck?


'at the feet of the Hermit is the Serpent Wand, which also resembles a sperm. The head of the wand is drawn to show both the head of a serpent and a foetus curled up in the fetal position. The foetus symbolises the potential of the sperm, and the four pointed star on the top of its head represents the seed of the four elements tha make up all manifest life.'


A look at the constellation Virgo gives more hints to the sources of iconography here. Spica, the main star of Virgo, is literally "an ear of grain". Auva, another star in the constellation, is in Arabic the barking dog. Often, Virgo is associated with Demeter although Demeter is no virgin but the grain goddess. Spica brings Demeter and with her Persephone, and that's where the fertility aspect comes from, and also the 3 headed dog.


I would say rather that the homunculus is represented by the staff in other decks while here it is shown as-is. Since the Hermit is attributed to Yod and has connections to Mercury the homunculus is a good representation of those qualities. I don't see a staff there, at any rate.

Good point.

Aunty Anthea

My hermit is a none to cheerful chap cloaked from head to toe, with a lamp in one hand and a vicious looking scythe in the other :(


My hermit is a none to cheerful chap cloaked from head to toe, with a lamp in one hand and a vicious looking scythe in the other :(

Which one is that? Is it from the Thoth?


Virgo is depicted (in the heavens) with staff or rod in her right hand and an ear of wheat or corn (Spica) in her left hand.

Virga - a young shoot or twig, Virgatus - made of twigs, Verge - rod or staff carried by an officer as a sign of authority, it is also related to a measuring rod for the laying out of fields and boundaries. Virgate - an old English measure of land - around 30 acres.

Interestingly, it connotates a LACK OF sperm ; The Greek word for virgin is parthenos, and Virgo had the title Parthenos Dios, the Virgin Goddess; parthenic, 'of the nature of a virgin', Parthenon, the name of the temple of the virgin goddess Athena on the Acropolis at Athens. Parthenogenesis means reproduction without fertilization, from Modern Latin, literally 'birth from a virgin', the word is sometimes also used to describe reproduction modes in hermaphroditic species which can self-fertilize. Parthenogenesis is bought about by the ovum dividing by itself without the need for sperm.

But VIR is man and GYNE woman. Also Viridis - green, is interesting.

The sickle ? It seems to come from equating her to an English tradition ; " the Maiden of the Wheat-field that is still seen in the North English and South Scottish custom of the Kern-baby, or Kernababy, — the Corn, or Kernel, Baby, — thus described by Lang in his Custom and Myth :

The last gleanings of the last field are bound up in a rude imitation of the human shape, and dressed in some rag-tags of finery. The usage has fallen into the conservative hands of children, but of old "the Maiden" was a regular image of the harvest-goddess, which, with a sickle and sheaves in her arms, attended by a crowd of reapers, and accompanied with music, followed the last carts home to the farm. " ('Star Names' R.H. Allen 1889 )

Most of the associations to the constellation and the stars that make it up are not that hermit like ... except in the areas of study and learning.


.... still cant see no homunculus .