Traditional Astrology for the Southern Hemisphere


hi there,

since a couple of days i have some doubts about the validity of the tropical system in the southern hemisphere.
is there a difference between the two hemispheres in respect to the application of the tropical zodiac? i mean, we have autumn here in europe and in other parts (for example argentina and chile) it's spring.

i guess one can think that here in europe we're under sagittarius, but maybe in chile and argentina it's gemini's phase.



We've had a few threads that have concentrated on this issue, so for more information have a trawl through the past threads.

Personally, I think the differences are not as great as some would argue. I use a traditional approach and in that approach the Sun's nature is taken by season, when assessing core temperament. So I would adjust that part of my analysis so that a November birth in the Northern Hemisphere has the Sun treated as 'melancholic' and a November birth in the Southern Hemisphere would have the Sun treated as 'sanguine'.

However the Sun is not the major factor in judging temperament, the Ascendant, Moon, their rulers and planets that aspect them (and the Sun) are the major input. Also Sagittarius, may be an autumnal sign in the North and a Vernal sign in the South but in both cases it remains the mutable Fire sign.


sorry for the delay...
i tend to read more than to participate here in an active way and this time i didn't find the few threads you mentioned... guess i didn't search well 'cause i met one now...

btw, thanks for the answer :) i learn a lot here from your posts in general


Thank you :) xxxxxx