Taking 3 sitters for natal chart practice readings



I am using Solar Fire 8 Pro version, and am an intermediate chart reader. I'm a Virgo with Aquarius rising, so I'm aware of all sorts of fine little details about charts, aspects, etc.

I need all the usual to get started: Your date + exact time + location you were born.

A small amount of feedback is required (I don't need 5 paragraphs, just what's correct and what's way off).

I will provide:

1) My written analysis of what I see as a chart reader, including a breakdown of houses, aspects, cardinal/fixed/mutable leanings, etc and how they all interact with each other
2) A link to a PDF containing your chart with a lot of extra info
3) A link to the exported text analysis from Solar Fire's interpreter

I will do one chart per day, so it may be 3-4 days before you get your analysis (it's a lot of typing).


Hi AkiraFist,

I would like to sit. It would be great to compare to the Janus chart (i am doing a trial on the software). I will PM you my details.



Hi Akirafist,

I'd like to sit... I'll PM you my details.

Thank you.


Hi, I have never done an Astrology reading before (tarot yes)

I would love to be a sitter.

I'll PM you my info and will provide feedback to the best of my knowledge.


i know i am late but if you plan to do more i would like to sit for a reading :)


i know i am late but if you plan to do more i would like to sit for a reading :)

Sure, PM me your info. Will be a few days before I get to it.


Hi AkiraFist,

I would like to sit. It would be great to compare to the Janus chart (i am doing a trial on the software). I will PM you my details.


Leo rising indicates that you are able to make friends easy, would be a great party organizer, and have a grand sense of presentation. You have 3 planets in the 7th house which confirms that, including the Sun itself. Jup and Merc in the 7th show communicating with other people is important to you, especially about larger and important topics. But your Moon/Venus aspect says this doesn't apply so much to romance, where you may have some issues fully expressing yourself. In fact you have a ton of moon aspect, which means that your emotional ups/downs are pretty common.

You have 2 planets in Aq, a very modern/trending/technology spot. You're good with some tech, but it needs to be on a larger scale. You have no problems understanding tech (especially with your communication skills) if somebody presents the big picture. Your empty houses indicate that you have a sense of self that's pretty firm. You know who you are, and have no issues with possessions, or sex, fear of death or concerns about the unknown. Your sat rx in 11th means you were shy early on, but warmed up as you got to know people, and discovered how good of a communicator you were. But Chiron says you may be rejected for your beliefs, possibly about kids or communication styles. If you have siblings, you'll be very loving to them, and have a balanced relationship, although one may be a bit rebellious, and a little too far on the edge.

Home life looks absent minded and dreamy. Haven't dealt with this combo before, so I'll guess that you have a perception of home life being grand and ok, but it's not. And you may move around a lot (or did growing up). Venus in 5th and cap says you enjoy work (or day to day routine), and communicate well with co-workers. You'd be a fantastic employee, and hard worker, but you have a dark side here.

Your public life is pretty active (marks/10th), but you're stubborn about some things, and don't let your feelings hang out all the time in public. You'd probably not be a big fan of very public affection.

You have like a billion aspects, which would require 40 pages to describe them all. So I'll do a very high level summary (of mainly the moon/love side). You love with passion, and aren't afraid to go after what you truly love. But your intimate communications aren't all that great. You have a wounded healing thing going on with your emotions, and you also have a ton of unique traits and off-the-beaten-path habits. You may be into some wild sex stuff.

So that's it!

I PM'd you where to grab your charts/reports.


Hi AkiraFist,

I would say that you pretty much got me and matches what I've casted for myself by hand and what showed up for me from a couple of astrology software, but you also brought up new elements that I am eager to review and research.

Communication and stubbornness also showed up as karmic issues for me, especially in relationships.

Thanks for this. I would say that your interpretations are pretty good. Please let me know how you like Solar Fire as well. So far I like Janus, but Solar Fire has a lot more components, although also about twice the cost.

Happy Holidays, AkiraFist! May 2013 be very fruitful and successful for you!


Hi Akirafist,

I'd like to sit... I'll PM you my details.

Thank you.

You had an odd chart. The sun is in scorpio, your ascendant is too, and the sun is in your first house. Then you have all your biggie planets in the 12th house all clumped together.

Sun is also at 10 degrees, so you're a TRUE scorpio, almost like - a triple scorpio. Go read an astrology web page that explains scorpio and you will probably fit it 100%. Protective of family/friends, intense emotional energy, long staring eyes, emotional swings, etc. So let's walk through the houses:

You are on a strong journey for seeking meaning in yourself (sun/1), and part of that will be spiritual meaning, especially in your emotions (venus/12), and communications with others (merc/12). You desire a balanced relationship (venus/libra), however it's not always easy since you can frequently let your emotions fly at your partner (merc/scorp). Neptune in the first house softens this, however since it can make your sense of self vague and your quest can wander from their course as you skip from one aspect of yourself to another. Neptune bashing its head on the moon aspect makes this worse emotionally, as you frequently don't really know what you want in a relationship.

You have a strong need to succeed in communications (mars/3), and your mental style is sometimes assertive. But it's for a cause (mars/capr), since you have a master plan for how you want things to end. You enjoy using money for fun possessions (sagg/2), but most of your efforts are towards working out relationships (venus/libra) since they are many times not really what you wanted, or depressing (venus/12), although you do need them deeply.

You have a structured, paced daily work schedule (taur/6), however it feels stagnant and not what you really want out of life (sat/6). You are fairly stubborn when it comes to work, and like it your way - nice and slow, easy to understand (taur/6). You are also sometimes stubborn in interactions with others (taur/7), and have almost an attention deficit disorder in long situations with others (gem/7). You need a deep bonding with sex (canc/8), and if you have a higher degree, you would definitely show it off with pride (leo/9). Ditto with winning a lawsuit of any kind. You'd love to travel, however you'd be pretty depressed going it alone.

You have deep emotional ties to your career and are very analytical about it (virgo/10). You pride yourself on social status (moon/leo/10), however you enjoy being different and standing out amongst friends and groups (ur/11). The 12th house is a depressing place of guilt, selfishness and generally screwing yourself over, and you have a lot of activity there. Your journey in this life is to fix some of these issues, and you'll do that via close relationships with others (including loved ones), religion (jup/12) and communicating.

You have hard aspects in communicating with authority, and getting what you deserve in life. And you seem to be prone to arguing.