

Hello everyone. I'm new here but wanted to share this story. I've had my FO deck for almost a month now, am loving every moment of it. The other day at work, after doing a lot of focusing (during my down time) on things I needed to do to become more earthed/centered, I got my things together for the trip home and headed to my car. As I approched the passenger side door, this brilliant blue/green fluttery being rushed past me, and under my car. I was close enough that I should have been able to bend down and see it, were it 'of this world' but it was gone, vanished! I stopped in my tracks, I got this warm almost giggly feeling inside and realized immediately who had just darted past me! Faff!!!!! I guess he agreed that I needed to be more centered as well. That was a little over a week ago, and I've taken several steps to become more centered, and its helped in my life tremendously.

Has anyone else been visited by him? I was just curious as to what your experience was like if so....Thanks!


moonlight dancer


Dear Nikki

I must admit I have never had any close encounters with faff but did with the dark lady (see my post).Its amazing he actually hasn't appeared more clearly to me as I feel I need to center myself alot more often,if I may ask what do you do to center yourself more.Maybe I could take a few tips for myself.

faerie blessings



I know this is a really belated response to yours sort of got out of control, laid off from work, started laying the way down a new path job wise, etc, etc, etc, etc. I'm sure you know how life is :p.

The Dark Lady and I have a bit history together, she's at times terrified me, and at times been the most comforting thing to me. I've seen her around as well. Lately Faff is the most common though.

As for centering myself, yoga and meditation and relaxation sequences work great. I also journal a lot and try to spend time outside when I start feeling faff pull at me.