August 6th 2007..

MCsea New Moon Report, July 14, 2007

by Jeff Jawer

Full Moon in Aquarius
Sunday, July 29, 5:48 pm PDT, 8:48 pm EDT

The Full Moon in Aquarius represents an urge for community consciousness encountering the limits of individual ego symbolized by the Sun in Leo. The gap between collective interests and personal needs, however, is overcome when we recognize that our similarities are greater than our differences. While each of us has a unique form of expression, we're each players in the human drama that encompasses us all.

Mercury in Leo
Saturday, August 4, 10:15 am PDT, 1:15 pm EDT

Mental Mercury's entry into this personally powerful sign dramatizes communication and emboldens speech. Exaggeration and bragging are possible as we push the limits of language and creative thought. Bright ideas are lit by the fire of inspiration, yet cooling them with a bit of reason could make them more acceptable to others.

Saturn trine Pluto
Monday, August 6

The harmonious alignment of these planetary heavyweights is excellent for saving a lost situation or building a foundation for major creative projects. The power and passion of Pluto blends with the discipline and commitment of Saturn to help make the impossible come true. Maturity can transform intense feelings into a rich fuel supply for reaching your goals. Don't waste energy fighting with others or railing against life's injustices. The power to make a real difference is in your hands.

Jupiter Direct
Monday, August 6

The forward turn of this planet of opportunity and optimism takes nascent hopes and begins to turn them into action. Aspirations cooking in the privacy of your mind are finally ready to be shared with others. Awakening truths can now be lived openly as Jupiter's final passage through its home sign of Sagittarius raises expectations.

Mars in Gemini
Monday, August 6, 11:01 pm PDT, Tuesday, August 7, 2:01 am EDT

Flexibility, the gift of active Mars' presence in the sign of the Twins, will reveal alternative ways to reach your goals. It's easier to adapt to challenges with quick reactions designed to resolve problems rather than follow a rigid path. Yet, it's best to avoid spreading yourself too thin as curiosity pulls attention in more than one direction.

SO MUCH ACTIVITY on MONDAY the 6th August!
I wonder if it will be noticable or highlighted on another level...
