Brainstorming with the Answer Deck


Hi All,
As some of you know, I work at a program for learning disabled adults. This summer we got to do some groups on "lighter" topics, so I started one based on Mark McElroy's Putting the Tarot to Work. It's been a lot of fun for both the clients and myself--especially the movie exercise!

Last week I decided to use the Answer Deck in an exercise. I had each of them choose from one of three questions:
"What do I need to think about to improve my
1. social life, 2. financial life, or 3. health?"
Each of them then drew a card.

Some of the answers were pretty obvious. One client pulled Generosity for the social life question--was his girlfriend looking hard at him at that moment! Another pulled Patience for the health question--she was specifically thinking about weight loss.

Other cards were baffling. One client pulled the Scandal card for the financial question, another the Master card for her social life. The biggest response came when an openly gay client pulled the Woman of the World card for his social life question. Everyone's brainstorming muscles were stretched!

Anyway, just wanted to share this with the study group. I will definately be using the Answer Deck in other activities!



The Answer Deck is so strange this way... at times the answers are clear as day (Patience with the weight loss) but other times...?

Great idea to share your cards with your work and your clients....


Fabulous exercise! Thank you, woo monkey!

I just did all three questions(but with three cards I think three cards gives a more complete picture...or complete "sentence")

the one that made such sense to me was financial...I got The Lovers, Gain, Generosity.

very clear!

the health one..not so sure about!

I am going to the Doctor today, for some possibly scary tests...the cards I got were
Fame, Love, Brown haired man!


I guess I'll wait and see what the day brings!


General thoughts, observations, miscellaneous

I didn't think I should start a new Thread for this; I figured it could fit easily into brainstorming or perhaps, it should have been in the study group section. Anyway, the other day, I must have pulled at least 4 cards that are "big on hands." I didn't write them down, but, I'm pretty sure there were 4. The Master, Generosity, Wisdom, Abundance.

Has anyone ever gotten cards in the AD that had a lot of "hands?" I was wondering what significance I might place on this as they really stand out in these cards. Actually, I notice hands in this deck quite a bit. Among the "hands" cards are: Friend and Frustration.

Also, another rather odd thing for me was when I did a 3 card draw and got 3 "P" cards. I noticed that right away. I pulled Peace, Power and Patience. Now, I'm wondering if there's any significance in that? I'm not sure what to think, but, it just stood out to me.

One night, in separate draws I pulled the Patience card 3 times (for myself) and once in a Reading for someone else. I assume the cards want to teach me Patience. :)

What a strange little deck. Any thoughts?



There *are* a lot of hands in this deck, you're right, Lovers, but to be honest, I hadn't really noticed until you mentioned it (which is why I love study groups!)

Perhaps one message is that the gifts of The Master, Generosity, Wisdom, Abundance cards are all in OUR hands to create, that it's up to us to make these manifest into our lives?

One of the messages I've always taken from the hands resting on the books in the Wisdom card is these books may have very well come from your own hands, your own words.

I need to use this deck more. (I feel like I'm constantly saying to myself, "I should really use this deck more..." but the deck I'm talking of is often different). So many decks....


Alissa said:
Perhaps one message is that the gifts of The Master, Generosity, Wisdom, Abundance cards are all in OUR hands to create, that it's up to us to make these manifest into our lives?

One of the messages I've always taken from the hands resting on the books in the Wisdom card is these books may have very well come from your own hands, your own words.

Alissa: That's something for me to think about. I don't think that would have come to me. I will look again to see if I get anything in particular re: the hands in these cards.

Also, I just want to say that I find spending time with the cards (individually) is relaxing to me. So, since I need a detour from today's activities, I will look for a card to delve into. :)