Tree of Life - Binah


triple triad


i like your triple triad tree posting-- it's the first time i really saw it in that way. here are my immeadiate musing on it.

aziluth-- the supernal pre-form triad gets reflected through the prismatic looking glass of the da'ath. this forms the form triad.

briah-- the reflection of aziluth now gets TRANSLATED 'downward' becoming yetzirah. translation rather than reflection-- there is nothing (yeah, i know-- it's a real bad word to use while kabbalahing) between these two triangles. so the form slips down into becoming.

yetzirah-- becoming (the form) manifests as malkuth drops into existance. the triad of yetzriah joins the sphere of malkuth-- the form becomes the structure. triangle transends, tetrahedron emerges.

assiah-- the buck stops here. there is no need for more sephiroth. structure has become. malkuth is the completion.

one thing i had always (well, not ALWAYS, but at least from time to time) wondered about:

why did the flash stop with malkuth?

thanks jmd, contemplation on your depiction has provided me an answer that fits into my framework.

feeling rather smug


i can't say i really grasp all the info in this thread about the 4 worlds.
perhaps that means you somehow already answered my questions but i didn't get it.

anyway, i seen on more then one occasion lately that some people want to place binah as the second sephira.

one reason for this were that binah should be placed on the pillar of mercy and not severity due to the fact that binah is the "mother" and should be connected with giving life instead of constricting it.

now, i don't think i agree with that view myself, seeing that giving form and constricting can indeed also be a "feminine" quality and is equal important in the process of creation.

but i am curious if anyone can tell me more about this. are there models of the tree where binah comes directly after kether?


In traditional Kabalah, there is absolutely no question that Binah is the third emanation, and is the means through which the 'blueprint' of creation (Hockmah) is progressively given shape and birthed.

To switch the order of Hockmah and Binah can, of course, make some intellectual sense, as can placing one's knees back-to-front. It will somewhat work, but it is trying to impose one's knowledge, rather than doing what Goethe so aptly described: to observe, and permit the Tree unveil its own secrets, leading to understanding.

Just to give one example as to how the dilemna mentioned may be 'resolved': take the three Supernals (the top three Sefirot) as connected to the head, the next six to the torso, and Malkut to the base of the feet. The right-hand side of the 'head' here crosses over and is closely connected ('controls') the left-hand side of the body (and vice-versa). Already, then, you have the Binah aspect not only intimately connected to Hesed because this latter is the next emanation, but the side of the tree designated 'Mercy' has its supernal 'overseer' in Binah (and mutatis mutandis, the 'severity' pillar by Hockmah).