Australian Bush Flower essences / flower insight cards


Hey all,

As everyone is probably acutely aware, I ask a lot of questions about Mr 'X' on the forum. And if i'm honest with myself i'm probably a bit obsessed with knowing the outcome of the situation that will unfold between us.

That aside, I was having a chat with a friend of mine, and she mentioned the personal benefits of using the Australian Bush Flower Essences. My friend was telling me that essences helped her shift a lot of 'emotional' stuff for her a few years ago. I was interested to know a bit more but, as there are a bunch of essences to choose from, for a range of different 'things' I kind of left it...

Anyways today my friend gave me the deck of 'Flower Insight cards' by Ian White which have all the essences on single cards. My friend said, have a shuffle and ask the deck what essences you need in your life at present. So, I shuffled the deck and low and behold
I drew the 'Boronia' flower card which is about obsessive thoughts LOL!

"This is the Essence for resolving obsessions - thoughts, events, things or ideas which are stuck. It leads to clarity and focus. It combines wonderfully with Bottlebrush for breaking habits and addictions and for dealing with an ended relationship when there is pining for the other person. It also enhances focus for creative visualisation."

So... I'm now taking the Boronia essence! I'll try and remember to write an updated bits on this thread when i've finished the bottle. I'm thinking it can't hurt....

So, I'm just wondering if anyone has used any of the Australian Bush Flower essences before? Or have any stories they wanted to share about flower essences and shifting emotional stuff?

I've used bachflower 'rescue remedy' before when I was feeling anxious during my final high school exams and as a child my mum always had a bottle in her bag... so they work for me...
