13 Card Friendship Spread


I searched for a Friendship Spread around the forum and couldn't find one suited to this particular situation... So I decided to come up with one. It was pretty spot on for me with the knowledge I had within the situation. I hope this helps others as well! :)

Spread Format:



1) How the Querent views the Friend.
2) How the Friend views the Querent.
3) How the Querent views them self in the Friendship.
4) How the Friend views them self in the Friendship.
5) How the Querent views the Friendship.
6) How the Friend views the Friendship.
7) What does the Querent bring to the Friendship.
8) What does the Friend bring to the Friendship.
9) What are the Querent's intentions for the Friendship.
10) What are the Friend's intentions for the Friendship.
11) What the Querent needs to know about the Friend.
12) What the Querent needs to know about the Friendship.
13) Future outcome of the Friendship.


I wasn't so sure about it initially because of the number of cards, but I gave it a couple of test drives and it seems to be pretty accurate. Thanks :)


Thank you so much! I actually needed a spread like this. Can't wait to try it out:)