14 Pillars in the greater Arcana do they point to the 56 Minor- Arcana Cards?


In the temple of Isis in Philae, Egypt, there should be a text on a pillar which contains the following text:
"14 serpents greatly feared, 14 hawks, lords of the Knife, 14 Bulls great Roarer, 14 Lions Lord of Spear.” This could point to the 56 Minor Arcana Cards.
Philae was the place where Isis found the Heart of Osiris, which body was divided in 14 pieces.
There are also 14 Phases of the Moon, which are the Parts of Osiris.
(Only the Half of the 28 Moonphases as from Full Moon to New Moon, Isis is "at Work")
The 14 Pillars of the Rosslyn Chapel built by templars, this Pillars linking to the holy bloodline.
With the building of the second temple the roof was supported by 14 Pillars.

When i count up all Pillars in the tarot set, (I see the towers of Death
and Moon also as Pillars) there are 14 Pillars in Tarot also.

It begins with Isis and ends on the Moon (Osiris??) and All Watersigns are in it !
2:HighPriestess Moon 1 Pillar Black & 1Pillar White
5:Hierophant Taurus (Moon extalted in Taurus) 2 similar Grey Pillars
7:Chariot Cancer(Moon rules Cancer) 4 Pillars
11:Justice LIBRA 2 similar pillars- EQUILIBRIUM
13:Death SCORPIO 2 Towers with a Rising Sun
18:Moon Pisces 2 Towers with a Sun-Eclips
The Highpriestess is the Shekinah, The Woman of God, The Serpent Power.
In heaven The Serpent extends over both the Signs LIBRA and SCORPIO, it has been the Gate, through which Soul descend, during the whole time that those two signs in succession marked the Autumnal Equinox.

When we take a look to the Numbers of the Cards we find the Minor-Arcana:

2+5+7:14: this points to the 14 Pillars: 14 Minor-cards per Suit

These 3 cards are (in balance) on the three of life:
High Priestess between Kether and Tipharet; the middle Pillar
Hierophant between Chokmah and Chesed; Pillar of Mercy
Chariot Binah and Geburah. Pillar of Severity

When we than add up all cards containing Pillars:

2+5+7+11+13+18= 56: All Minor Arcana cards.

The 14 Pillars point to the Minors in a Way, But also there is a Moon-Connection, it feels like a connection from Isis to Osiris …..

Please give me some help, to get this picture more clear, especially why Libra is involved in this picture. Libra and Scorpio : Sword and Serpent…., Is it possible to relate the Moon Card on Osiris as the 14 Phases from New Moon to Full Moon are connected with the 14 Parts of Osiris?



14 pillars

Most interesting symbolic possibilities as to 14 -- I wonder what the most important significance is, as to 14 for each of the 4 suits. Is it directional, N, S, E, W? Or the 4 elements? Or , in some way, 4 aspects/dimensions of the human being? Or the gods in 4 sets? There is more Egyptian connection here than is often considered.


Frank Hall said:
Most interesting symbolic possibilities as to 14 -- I wonder what the most important significance is, as to 14 for each of the 4 suits. Is it directional, N, S, E, W? Or the 4 elements? Or , in some way, 4 aspects/dimensions of the human being? Or the gods in 4 sets? There is more Egyptian connection here than is often considered.

Maybe the 4 Towers (in the four Pillars) might strengthen this idea of the Four. (The four towers of North, South, East and West)

The numbers of the 14 Pillar Cards cards add up to Both 14 and 56.
14 containing the 2. With her 3-fold Moon; 5. connected to Taurus pictured the same as the Crown of the High Priestess and 7.The Chariot, cancer Ruled by the Moon, Wearing the Waxing and Waning Moon on the Shoulders. Here the Man connects this both Moons.

To come to 56 the other cards 11,13 and 18 are involved.
But also it seems to Criss-Cross the numbers from the first (14th set)
(18-13: Moon - Death = 5.Hierophant)
(18-11:Moon-Justice= 7.Chariot)

11 as Equilibrium before we arrive to the Towers of the 4 Directions.
The Square on her threefold Crown strenghtens this.

13.The Towers are showing a rising Sun in the East. West-East Line.
18.Between the Towers in the Middle we see a Sun Eclipse. North-South
