Any thoughts?


I recently did a reading where I pulled the 2 of wands paired with the Chariot reversed. Today I asked a different question and pulled the same two cards in the same order, only this time the 2 of wands came up reversed and the Chariot right side up! I know its not the way I held the deck because before I did this I literally put all the cards right side up and in order and completely shuffled them, then flipped some to add the reversals. Has this ever happened to anyone else? What do you guys think this may mean?


What were you asking about? Context is very important when reading.


Sorry about that.. the first time the cards came up I was asking about finding my purpose within my career. When I pulled them the second time, I was asking a more general question about what I could do to start to make a change. I'm guessing deep down I'm still concerned with that first question, so maybe when I asked about change the tarot simply referenced me back to the original question even though I wasn't specifically asking about that. I just find it odd that they came up again and seemed to flip around.


The first time, it might have been indicating that while you have good ideas, you're not taking action on them. The second time you were actually considering change, so the Chariot was right side up because it's a card of moving forward. As for the 2 of Wands reversed the second time, it might be indicating some hesitancy about the plans you do have – or maybe there being a lack of direction.


The first time, it might have been indicating that while you have good ideas, you're not taking action on them. The second time you were actually considering change, so the Chariot was right side up because it's a card of moving forward. As for the 2 of Wands reversed the second time, it might be indicating some hesitancy about the plans you do have – or maybe there being a lack of direction.

Yeah that does make a lot sense in this situation. Very interesting in how you ask a question can influence the cards so much. Definitely true about the 2 of wands reversed showing a lack of direction. Thanks for your input!


The first time, it might have been indicating that while you have good ideas, you're not taking action on them. The second time you were actually considering change, so the Chariot was right side up because it's a card of moving forward. As for the 2 of Wands reversed the second time, it might be indicating some hesitancy about the plans you do have – or maybe there being a lack of direction.

Hi, thanks for providing the question. I use to have this sort of thing happen all of the time. Especially when I first started reading. I had the same cards show up over and over in the "EXACT" same positions in the Celtic Cross Spread, that it scared me and i had to replace my cards three times because I thought they must be possessed! I laugh now at not knowing about how our subconscious mind influences these things. But, the Tarot has proven to be no laughing matter. The influences at work around the cards are bringing you exactly what you ask for. Like dreams, you just have to be willing to entertain the possibilities of what they're telling you. In this case the Chariot reversed is trying to show you that you perhaps have not been steering your course in the direction you want it to go, not doing the leg work and following it up with the action necessary. While the two of Wands reversed is showing you need to focus and get a clearer picture of what you want and how to implement your plans, paying attention to the finer details. Both, having shown upright as well, show the better qualities are present as well, in that you have the drive at times and the ability to see the situation clearly enough if you will take the reigns and use you will to drive you to where you decide you want to be. Paying attention to the placement and positions of the cards is vital. I have found it important to choose a spread or two that you really resonate with and stick with it for the most part. That works for me anyway.


I laugh now at not knowing about how our subconscious mind influences these things. But, the Tarot has proven to be no laughing matter. The influences at work around the cards are bringing you exactly what you ask for. Like dreams, you just have to be willing to entertain the possibilities of what they're telling you.

I totally agree with your response, aurafields. It's amazing how the tarot can get right down to the really important things we wouldn't normally see. What you said about the Chariot is exactly right in my situation, and I get the feeling that it's the card that's going to help me the most right now. It's so true about relating to the cards as you would a dream and I'm realizing more and more the importance of being open to anything they have to say to you. I like how you said that since the cards had also been upright it shows the good qualities are present as well, I would have not thought of that. I appreciate the insight! It's true about finding the right spread, but I will say I do enjoy doing open readings, as in ask a question, pick a card, ask whatever question that card brings up, on and on until I feel secure I understand. Thanks for the help!