Pregnancy cards


Are there any cards that point directly to pregnancy?
I thought the empress, 3 of cups and page of cups could mean it. What is your experience with cards in regards to pregnancy?


In my experience, the potential for pregnancy is hit and miss with specific Tarot cards, and any predictions of pregnancy I make are more based on intuition than a specific card. I've predicted more than a few, but those were based more on patterns of behavior than on the Empress or other such cards coming up, though sometimes they do.

Ace of Wands often comes up in relation to fertile sex, which of course means baby-making LOL Pages, specifically the Page of Cups (the symbolism of the fish, which is a fertility symbol, in the cup, which could represent the womb). The Empress means motherhood, but I find that only somewhat reliable, and only if the person isn't already a mother. Some people are just natural mothers, and caregivers for everyone around them, and the Empress would point to that.

Mostly, it's going to be looking at the whole reading, the cards that come up, the positions, etc. to see a potential pregnancy, and even then, there's no guarantees.


What is your experience with cards in regards to pregnancy?

I am taking a tarot class, and my teacher says she has foretold pregnancy from the Page of Cups. She also says a reversed Page of Cups means trouble with a pregnancy or miscarriage. I don't really think that meaning can be geared toward everyone, so you intuition is your best bet.


thanks! so far i have seen it in the page of cups or empress.

any thoughts on queen of cups?


I would think the RW Queen of Pentacles would be more representative of a woman being pregnant or holding a baby by the way she holds the pentacle in her lap and looks down at it lovingly.


The Magician in the Blue Moon - what could scream pregannt more than a mother and slimy child still attached by the umbilical cord?


Ace/wands + Death can mean a pregnancy.


Death?? Really? I had that and Ace of pentacles come up in a question on pregnancy, but i saw death and automatically thought miscarriage.
Sar said:
Ace/wands + Death can mean a pregnancy.


I can see ace/wands and death mean pregancy. Death here meaning of old life style. No longer just living for oneself but for another life. Change from being one to two. Total new cycle of life.


The Death card of the Revelation Tarot shows this very well. One side is the death more or less as we see it and rx it is a newborn baby.