Cusp Sun Signs

Midnight Lioness

I'm a Cancer/Leo cusp, born 7/22/1961. Any thoughts about how being born on the cusps affects your chart??


((NOTE: This is my opinion alone that has been formed throughout my years of studying astrology. I may or may not be 100% right, but for me, this has worked))

**Taken from a previous post of mine***

Well personally, I feel the idea of "cusps" (I.e. when a planet is along a 5 degree borderline between two signs) is not really valid. With all the precise mathematical calculations that take place in an astrological chart, it's a bit immature to consider that a planet contains the characteristics of 2 signs just because it comes on a cusp. Example, Someone born on the 20th of April claims that he's born on the cusp of Aries and Taurus, hence feels he possesses both qualities of Aries and Taurus is sheer rubbish. Depending upon the degree of the sun, even if it is in 27 degrees of Aries (30 degrees to each sign) the man's sun has nothing to do with taurus. If he feels he has taurean qualities, it's only because that the sign of taurus is either his ascendant, or moon sign, or that he has numerous planets in that sign that are powerful, hence creating the impression of Taurean qualities. But his sun shall be Aries.


I hope this has been helpful. If you wish to know anything more or wish to discuss anything at all.. do let me know... I'll be happy to help

Love and Blessings


Cancer Leo

We could understand that each planet has its orb of influence.Conjuctions are the strongest aspects,and specially if a very close one.Here,in the case of this lady born 22/7/1961 Sun is about 0 degrees Leo.We don`t know exact time of her birth,so it can be from either side of the cusp.When Sun is placed there,almost exactly on the cusp,we can expect that people born with Sun in that position would have qualities of both of those signs.Yes,the question is one which one would be stronger,but in general I think that influences will be mixed here.
Bordering signs or houses are ruled by different elements as we know,So here we have two possibilities: 1.That such people are versatile 2. That some antagonism,or inharmony is present,because of different qualities of bordering signs(or houses)
So,if one knows all this,then he(or she)might try to select the best qualities of both signs,and try to put them together to function good.
Here,in the case of Cancer Leo people,we find strong,leading,extroverted and fiery qualities mixed with soft,emotional,homey,introverted and pleasant ones.Those are two totally opposite things.BUT,if we`re smart people,and not fools,we`ll put some effort to harmonise things there,and then Cancer Leo person can do quite good.
But here we have someone who is Cancer Leo,and ask her for the opinion.That won`t be some theoretical opinion,but the opinion of someone who is Cancer Leo.Cancer Leo lady(born 22/07/1961),would you be so kind to tell us if you feel any of those qualities that I mentioned?And after all,how do you feel being Cancer Leo?


Another opinion here

Sun on a sign cusp! Venus, for example, on a sign cusp! Would we interprete either as 1) having to explicitly express itself as one sign or the other, or 2) as a blend of two signs?

There are a couple of other complexities here that we might want to consider.

There are so many times when I have observed that "cusp" people appear to express two signs. Why? Because the rest of their chart seems to find ways of expanding alternate qualtities/aspects to reflect this broader core expression. It is not, in many cases, a single factor that influences the demonstrative issue of being a "cusp" person. Much of the chart gets into the issue.

Secondly, we have to consider what "signs" really are and how we percieve them to work in astrology. To do this, suspend your views based on cook book explanations for a moment. In early astrology, signs were markers based on the constellations or star patterns that a culture used. The Sun and other bodies moving thru these patterns of stars could be observed, measured and used for crude predictive purposes. But mostly, the stars themselves as they rose or set indicated the progress of the seasons and the timing of rain, or harvest, or religous days, etc.

It was later that the development of better measuring and timing equipment became an increasing influence in astrology. As it became apparent that the seasonal marker, the Spring Equinox and other cardinal points of the seasons, was shifting in regards to the star patterns (the precession of the equinoxs) people naturally shifted to a season-based way of viewing the world. This could be done by linking signs to the equinox point and not star patterns to the season.

Seasons are a "process" of our environment. They continuously flow and emerge and fade. Can we expect "seasonal signs" to also continuously flow and emerge and fade? As astrologers, can we see a cusp-Venus as symbolically indicating that one is moving from one form of expression to another form of expression? Can we check other chart factors to see if this is supported or interactive in some way. By giving this kind of depth and expansion to our practice, do we both learn more and give more to clients?

This is just one example of how those comfortable in the practice of astrology sometimes approach issues such as cusp-planets. It is not that one answer is right or wrong -- it is that the question is typically resolved by the chart's other factors for us in a way that is highly individualistic. If one is very sure of it having to be only one way or the other (either as they see/experience it or as they believe it based on their learning path) then thats OK. I choose to see it as I've described above -- sometimes its both, sometimes the chart augments the question with other supporting factors which may 1) blend the sign meanings or 2) favor one over the other.

A final point. Other than for natal or mundane chart work, I choose not to use signs in my work to any great extent. My work is rich, deep, and highly accurate without them. I keep things simple, and effective. But, that is just my way -- not the "only" way.

I'm glad that my 2000th post was an astrological one. Dave


congrats Dave!
and so it should be that 2000th one

i have venus at 29 57 libra - it feels like i really want to jump into being a scorpionic venus so much but something holds me back - guess its those 3 minutes LOL - i just know i'm not 100% that - the venus in libra i know like the back of my hand or whatever the saying is - too easy, even boring - but the being totally scorpio in this area is not me either

and as for confirming factors in the rest of the chart, pluto on my ascendant confirms venus in scorpio is more my style i guess - it feels like being all dressed up and no where to go lol


As a March 22nd Aries, I'm certainly not on the "cusp", however, I am in the first descant of Aries, so between that, and the fact that my Neptune's in my First House, and I have both Mercury and Venus in Pisces (not to mention my Moon's in the First as well, in Scorpio, with Scorpio Rising), I'm pretty watery. And there's plenty of times when I behave with a Piscean bent.

I'm not one who holds much to the cusp of this that or the other, but I do think there's something to be said for the descants of a sign. My husband is definitely smack in the middle of Sagittarius -- there's no gradient of either Scorpio or Capricorn for him, for example.


I'm also a cancer/leo, my birthday is 25/7/1980, so i'll be interested to see what other people have to say.


Last I knew, 7/25 is 2 days after the "cusp", but it is in the first descant of Leo...


Interesting here. I had recently posted a question about a friend born on 11/25...he is saggittarius but has quite a bit of scorpio about him....and lo and behold one of the replies I received spoke of someone being born on 11/28 and showing many of the same personality traits as my friend.

I myself, being a 4/4 Aries...have neither Pisces or Taurus about me, with the exception of my mid-heaven being in Taurus. However,my husband, being born on 1/22 most definitetly has Capricorn about him and his Mars is in Capricorn itself.

So, as far as I'm concerned..the cusp can have a very real effect. How long after the exact movement of the sun does seem to be a matter of opinion. Why could it not vary from person to person? That makes the most sense to me.


I herald Sweet Intuitions NOTE here --- This is my opinion alone that has been formed throughout my years of studying astrology, symbols, life etc etc. I may or may not be 100% right, but for me, this has worked

Check out - for FREE your personal set of sabian symbols.. there is one for each degree - it works for me...
this then opens up more to traditional astrology - as your mind does not need to be the mathematical thinking type to 'get' your own natal chart, I always use this in combination with other forms of astrology, but for me I 'see' symbols everywhere so for me sabian sybmols 'work' and the 'cusp' issue gains more insight for the indivudual who may wish to look.

I know many traditional astrologers do not like sabian sybmols at all..I hope you find you have great symbols that resonate with you and your life...
