14-Card "Support Beam" Spread for Holding Up (Or Tearing Down)


Uhm... this is the first spread that I have made, so I'm open to suggestions and things of that nature.

The basic idea behind the spread (originally) was to show what is going well and how to keep it going well. The cards are layed out with "pillars" or "Support Beams" holding up the top line of cards.


1. Where you were. (This is what used to be a problem, but is now fixed.)
2. How you got where you are. (Or how you fixed the problem.)
3. Where you are now.
4. Why this is good. (Or at least better.)
5. What could happen in the future. (If you follow the cards.)
6-8. What should be learned from the past. (Or the steps you took to fix the problem.)
9-11. What you are/ should be doing now.
12-14. Things to watch our for along the way.

I used this spread and it worked really well. Everything worked nicely together to give me a nice clear answer to the question. The imagery I use when looking at this spread (as mentioned earlier) is that of pilars holding up the top row. The first pilar is with reguards to the past, the second pilar is what is happening now, and the third is guarding against the future.

I haven't tried this but the reverse could probably also be done. As in what is worse in your life now, and how do you fix it? In this case, I'd use the same imagery except I'd have numbers like this:


I'd be thinking about how to tear down the pilars to collapse the top row of things that are making life worse.

Hope the spread is useful!



Hi Jahan,
I gave your spread a whirl and liked the outcome. I did read it as a general reading, somepeople may want to have a specific question/subject attached to the reading to give some more clarity. I also read the pillars across, and I found that they seemed to tie in together, especial with the general reading, letting me see whats happening in several areas of life.

Thank you for sharing!


Great spread! I was looking for something similar to ask about where I am now in life... I will give this one a try and post it on the Readings forum.