When the advice postion meets a card reversed....


Sometimes in a reading, I get a reversed card in the position of advice.
I don't know how to interprete it. It is easy to think a upward card in here.,but reversed...?

Need some help, thanks!


Rose, I am not comfy with reverse cards, escpecially in the advice position, but I just read MK Greer's book, 'Tarot Reversals', which is a big help.

The book offers several ways to look at the Rx. Such as looking at it as a delay, breaking through, overturning or changing directions.

Another is to add the prefix - 'no', 'non' or 're' to the upright meaning.

The book offers serveral options, but I need something simple, so I thought you might like these.

In the advice position, I would lean on the 'delay' theory.

Hope this helps. :)


When it is applicable, I interpret the reversed card as an advice directed within. For example:
Strength upright in the advice position would be "need to summon strength to deal with challenges that life presents";
Strength reversed would mean "need strength to keep the inner demons at bay".


rosemaryh said:
Sometimes in a reading, I get a reversed card in the position of advice.
I don't know how to interprete it. It is easy to think a upward card in here.,but reversed...?

Need some help, thanks!

That depends on how you use reversed cards. As in most things in Tarot, there are many different ways to use them and each will work for you. I think it helps to be clear on how you want to use them before you draw the cards.

RussianSoul's method is fascinating. I would love to try that. :grin:

I tend to use reversals to represent delays and/or blockages. In the way I use them, they show that the energy of the upright card is there and present, and that it is trying to exert itself, but there is something that is getting in the way/blocking it from doing so. This means that what the card represents cannot happen until the blockage is removed. If it is something your are looking forward to, it becomes time to figure out what it blocking things from happening as they should and how to remove the blockage so that it can happen sooner.

OR if the card that came up represented something you did not want to manifest in your life,the reversed card tells you thatthat event is trying to manifest itself but something is blocking it from doing so. Then you can work on finding out what is blocking it from happening and work on strenghtening that. And/or finding out why it is trying to manifest in your life and see if you can stop it from trying to do so.

Or often a reversed card, to me, usually just means that things will take a long time to happen, often much longer than expected. Things will keep getting in the way.

Depending on the question of course (and surrounding cards) a reversed card in an advice position could mean, to me, that that is the advice you should take (the advice the upright card is giving you), but you should not just take it right away. It would be related to the "delay" part of reversals.

I think it would say don't rush into it before thinking things out. You should take the time to think it out first and find out the best method to put the advice into practise. Give yourself as much time as you need to plan strategies first. As there will always be a number of ways to put that advice into action. Think it out, find the one that will work best, then proceed.



Thanks your replies!

SunChariot said:
That depends on how you use reversed cards. As in most things in Tarot, there are many different ways to use them and each will work for you. I think it helps to be clear on how you want to use them before you draw the cards.

RussianSoul's method is fascinating. I would love to try that. :grin:

I tend to use reversals to represent delays and/or blockages. In the way I use them, they show that the energy of the upright card is there and present, and that it is trying to exert itself, but there is something that is getting in the way/blocking it from doing so. This means that what the card represents cannot happen until the blockage is removed. If it is something your are looking forward to, it becomes time to figure out what it blocking things from happening as they should and how to remove the blockage so that it can happen sooner.

OR if the card that came up represented something you did not want to manifest in your life,the reversed card tells you thatthat event is trying to manifest itself but something is blocking it from doing so. Then you can work on finding out what is blocking it from happening and work on strenghtening that. And/or finding out why it is trying to manifest in your life and see if you can stop it from trying to do so.

Or often a reversed card, to me, usually just means that things will take a long time to happen, often much longer than expected. Things will keep getting in the way.

Depending on the question of course (and surrounding cards) a reversed card in an advice position could mean, to me, that that is the advice you should take (the advice the upright card is giving you), but you should not just take it right away. It would be related to the "delay" part of reversals.

I think it would say don't rush into it before thinking things out. You should take the time to think it out first and find out the best method to put the advice into practise. Give yourself as much time as you need to plan strategies first. As there will always be a number of ways to put that advice into action. Think it out, find the one that will work best, then proceed.


So , when a card in an obstacle position, can we see it as a reversed meaning?


rosemaryh said:
Thanks your replies!

So , when a card in an obstacle position, can we see it as a reversed meaning?

You're welcome.:grin: Again there are many ways to read reversals. How you choose to do it is up to you. It would likely be best to choose one method and stick to it though, and for sure to decide which method you are intending to use before you start a reading with reversals in it.

My method is always the blockage/delay method. I never use "reversed meanings". A reversed card to me in an obstacle position would show that it will take time and effort to remove the obstacle. The card itself would tell you what the obstacle is. The fact that it is reversed means there is something in the way of your removing the obstacle. And you need to correct that before you can remove the obstacle from you way and get on with things.

It could be that part of you, unconsciously, does not entirely want to remove the obstacle, perhaps a fear of change...or some ambivalent feelings. Or just an obstacle that will take a lot of time and effort to remove.

At least that is my way of reading reversals.

You can of course see reversed cards as reversed/opposite meanings. Some people do. If that is the method that calls to you, go for it. As long as that is the method you always use. It's just not the method I use.
