Why not...the Moon's Ruler?


Thanks, everyone, for participating in this thread. Sorry, but I was tending to Real Life stuff, and haven't signed on in a week...

To answer the question about where I came across sources not including the Moon's Ruler, I have a multi-part and semi-embarrassing answer...

It's semi-embarrassing because I misremembered my various books as being more unified in this approach, whereas it's really only Tracy Marks in The Art of Chart Interpretation and Stephen Arroyo in Chart Interpretation Handbook (in the outline at the end, for sure, and possibly in the text, too, although it's eluding me at the moment...) who explicitly state that an astrologer should examine the placements of the Ascendant's and the Sun's Rulers when analyzing a chart, but who then omit instructions about similarly using the Moon's Ruler. Arroyo does, however, counsel us to also check out the Ruler of the MC, which is an interesting step...

A few of my other chart analysis books (or those that incorporate some chart analysis material) -- including Steven Forrest's The Inner Sky and Rae Orion's Astrology For Dummies -- advise taking notice of the Ascendant's Ruler...but don't stress including the Sun's Ruler (or the Moon's, either)...so I erroneously lumped them in somewhere in my head with the Marks approach, which, it turns out, wasn't appropriate! And then in The Only Astrology Book You'll Ever Need, Joanna Woolfolk actually does stress the importance of assessing the placements of the Rulers of all three of the Ascendant, Sun, and Moon.

And to further add to the semi-embarrassing part of this whole affair, it was after seeing the same "Ascendant's Ruler and Sun Ruler (but no mention of the Moon's Ruler)" on two different websites that I was prompted to start this thread...and now I'm having trouble figuring out which of the many, many Astrology websites I have bookmarked were the ones guilty of this. In the future, I promise to do my research and cite my sources before posting blanket statements!