Hello, I have a relationship spread to share with you all :)


Hello everyone, hope you are all well.

I am new to the forum and I thought I'd share my relationship spread I created a few years ago. I have used it many times for friends and family and it gets good results.

It is a 14 card relationship spread-I don't actually have a layout for it yet though and it is a spread for people who are in a relationship and it will give information on both partner's and how they feel about the relationship and each other.

First partner
1) Your unfluence on them
2) How they feel about you/relationship
3) What they want/hope to achieve from you/relationship
4) The negatives going against them in connection to your relationship
5) The positives going for them in connection to your relationship

Second partner
6) Their influence on you
7) How you feel about them/relationship
8) What you want/hope to achieve from them/relationship
9) The negatives going against you in connection to your relationship
10) The positives going for you in connection to your relationship

11) Past with relationship
12) Present with relationship
13) Future with relationship
14) Outcome of relationship

After the future card you could add more cards at 3 month or 6 month intervals to get more prospective on the future relationship and timing.

Hope you all find this spread useful :)


Wowzers...I likey. I'll have to try this tonight! Thanks for posting :)


No problem :) I am glad you like it x