are there psychic detectives using tarot


I saw this series about clairvoyants helping the police in the US to solve murder cases. I am curious to know whether there is any psychic detective who has been successful with tarot cards.


I'd be VERY surprised. I don't think tarot is quite specific enough. Others will differ....


I don't have any specific informations but I heard that in Poland you can find Tarot readers who are helping police. I totally see usage of the Tarot cards, it can be pretty helpful with finding motives of the crime and so on. I don't think you can use it as clear pointer who is the offender - no names or age. On the other hand, Tarot can be helpful for a clairvoyant too.


I imagine it would be better at ruling out suspects than pointing the finger. And as seedcake says, as a tool for a psychic helping the police.

Never know, there may be detectives who use it themselves but don't tell the world - let alone submitting it as evidence. (Just imagine. Or if a judge said something like, "The severity of the crime allows me to sentence you to ten years' imprisonment, but since I drew the Two of Cups and the Fool during my considerations, I am going to give you two months' community service." :))


I've seen on TV that there are psychics who give their input to police. There's a show where the police use psychics to locate bodies and what not but I've never seen that they used the cards for their information. If they were to use cards, my opinion would be that Lenormand would give clearer answers. I love Tarot---don't get me wrong---but Lenormand is more concise for some things.


I've seen on TV that there are psychics who give their input to police. There's a show where the police use psychics to locate bodies and what not but I've never seen that they used the cards for their information. If they were to use cards, my opinion would be that Lenormand would give clearer answers. I love Tarot---don't get me wrong---but Lenormand is more concise for some things.
Good point. I think Lennies would be much more useful - they are very GROUNDED ! Tarot is so much more about possibilities.


During my civilian service I knew an old lady who was a psychic. She would talk with animals, spirits, the dearly departed and so on. She claimed that with her gift, she had helped the police in her younger days. She didn't mention using Tarot or something like that, though...

My colleagues all thought she was crazy. I'm not so sure...


Thanks everyone. Though I am not sure whether there are real good tarotists nowadays.


That's a very strange thing to say in this forum, where there are actually loads. (no, NOT me !) I just don't think it's the ideal thing to use for police work, but still, some here could probably manage, I think.


The police deal with a very, very logical frame work. They don't go with "feelings" or intuition. In fact, if you did come to the police with a "feeling" and told them you were psychic there is a strong possibility that they would put you in a suspect list. I know this because it happened to me....They suddenly wanted to know how I knew things and how I knew this and that .....and guess what? They didn't believe my whole "it was an intuitive feelings..." And I actually tried to describe what I saw. I didn't use cards in this case....I just Saw orange letters above the little girls head while I was outside my body.

So....from my personal, ancedotal experience, the police do not use psychics or card readers. I think this is dramatized for television. The police need very, very hard evidence. In the USA you are innocent until proven guilty.

Psychics use tarot cards. They help put a certain picture in your mind. There is never a combination or even a singular card that means the same thing when you are psychic and use cards. You can get very specific.

I do think, however, that the police need to do more "feeling" work. As a society, we need to come more into a intuitive frame work. We can't just all be logical. It doesn't support dualities.