What individual cards do you have trouble connecting with?


I have some trouble with court cards. Thoufh I generally understand them within spreads, especially if they stand for people, getting the individual aspects is just really hard for me. There are some that I understand well, like the Queen and King of Pentacles (just becaus they show up so often for me), but most of the cups and wands are hard for me. I need to do some studying on them I guess!

I think the hardest part of the court cards is do we consider them as a specific person in our reading who may come along to help or hinder us or are we just considering their characteristics that we need to consider or follow or avoid in the reading?


I have some trouble with court cards. Thoufh I generally understand them within spreads, especially if they stand for people, getting the individual aspects is just really hard for me. There are some that I understand well, like the Queen and King of Pentacles (just becaus they show up so often for me), but most of the cups and wands are hard for me. I need to do some studying on them I guess!
Hi, actually you don't need to study them, unless you want to.

Easy way to learn them, is pull out all your court cards. Shuffle them. Draw one card everyday. Forget the card, don't even look at it. Go about your day. Then in the evening before bed, shuffle the remaining deck, ask the cards what the court card ment for you today. You will either get a major arcana, or pip 1 - 10. This card will tell you. Then in your journal write out everything you did that day the best you can, even write about strangers that may have said hi as you walked by them. This is a very easy way to learn the courts


For me, I find it hard to connect with the court cards or ace cards.


But how would one translate all that into a reading?

The card will of course mean different things each time, but some would say the basic idea of alchemy is that you mix A with B, delicately, carefully, adjusting as you go. And you get a completely different third thing, C. In fact, A and B might be considered opposites, like Fire and Ice. And the mixture will be something once thought impossible.

Random relationship example: Your lover annoys you, and you can barely keep your irritation contained. The situation stagnates like that, but then your lover has to leave for a year. You spend that year yearning, pining, bursting into tears with desperate loneliness. When your lover returns, you have "burned away" all the irritation, and now you see your lover's quirks as adorable, endearing -- the very thing you missed while they were gone.

My other tough card is the Moon. The Moon has so many negative meanings...

Fundamentally, Moon = mother's womb, where you lived for 9 months, floating in darkness, dreaming away without experience of air or light, literally "sub-conscious" (not awake) and then when you awakened, were you a completely different person? No, even now, you are still that same hidden potential developing, a seed into a seedling, into a flower, into a vine, into a garden, into seeds for the next year.

At each stage, the flower says, "At last, this is what I really am." But then another stage emerges from the dark moist hidden depths. This is Yin, blurred boundaries. Yang is Sun, father, the fiery, bright un-hidden, sharp distinctions.. One is "real," the other the dream, but we should question which is which, and who is where, and when.


Goodness! That is a whole side of Temperance that I have been sort of . . . ignoring. I always seem to come at it from more of a "careful use of power" and abstaining from things but alchemy! lead into gold! here's what the magician might have been hiding, oh jeepers creepers i need my journal. I know that the first two things go right in and along with alchemy but for some reason I never put it together. thanks so much LeFou and INIVEA!

I really want to respond to everyone but I feel like I can't add to what's been said. I mostly just want to sit back and like, take notes. :D


Court cards usually throw me for a loop. I'm never sure if they represent someone or an aspect of traits.

Some of the majors, like Justice or The Wheel confuse me as well.


For some reason, I find Fives and Sevens tricky at interpreting, especially the Swords.


I have the greatest difficulty interpreting court cards. The concept of 'being' a court card, as I see mentioned around these forums, is foreign to me, much like summing someone's personality up with a horoscope sign. Even so, I don't always know if the meaning of a court card in a spread should be taken temporally or tempermentally. Is it a current situation or a reflection of how someone sees & interacts with the world? Majors and pips are relatively straightforward in comparison.


I have the greatest difficulty interpreting court cards. The concept of 'being' a court card, as I see mentioned around these forums, is foreign to me, much like summing someone's personality up with a horoscope sign. Even so, I don't always know if the meaning of a court card in a spread should be taken temporally or tempermentally. Is it a current situation or a reflection of how someone sees & interacts with the world? Majors and pips are relatively straightforward in comparison.

Me too specially when three of the suits are men lol
pages - young people, all men, Knights, young men, all men, queens all women (young or old) kings (older men)

so we have psychology and all sorts so any suit or court card actor could be male or female and any age as a temperament..and then situations, bit of a confusing mess

I suppose when these cards were created that was the order of things, but where is the depiction of a say 13 yr old girl in the courts??


high Priestess, she doesn't seem to do much except hold a book lol and look mysterious

I'm sure she is very important and our patriarchal male dominated world has clouded the message..been watching the ascent of woman on the BBC....fascinating stuff but still the goddess has millions living subjugated by X y or z, it's pathetic