Horary Readings Round 8 - Questions


Minderwiz-I am sorry that you are going through a difficult time. I do hope that you and your family situation will begin to progress in the most positive ways. Thank you so much for all that you do, as well as the time you have devoted to myself and others in these readings. My heart, prayers, well wishes and positive energy go out to both you and your wife. Godspeed, and please keep us posted as you wish. Love you.


Need help

Hi Minderwiz,

I need your help with this chart and I'll appreciate your input. The chart was cast on November 4, 2016 at 14:48 (2:58 pm) in Toronto.

The question was if anything romantic will happen between me and ABC.

Aquarius is rising, I am Saturn, he is Sun. There is no aspect between Saturn and Sun. Saturn is well placed in the 10th with ability to act. Saturn is in the triplicity of the Sun, the man, I like him. The Sun is in no dignity of Saturn.
Saturn is placed in Saggitarius, ruled by Jupiter and Jupiter is placed in Libra, in Saturn's exaltation, there is mutual reception with applying sextile from 11 to 10 house. I'm saying that because the Moon's next aspect is a square to this same Jupiter, Lord of the 10th, and then Jupiter will take the Moon's light to Saturn, my significator.
I am lost a bit here as to what this would mean. I have been looking for a job for a year now and the financial situation, with all the legal expenses, is truly scary. I don't see anything romantic happening but is it possible that a new job (Jupiter) is actually coming to me as he will be applying to Saturn.
I see no aspect to the Sun, the man, because the Moon's sextile to him will be prohibited by Jupiter. But then Jupiter still applies to me. What would this mean in real life?
Sounds like I, the Moon, and trying to reach the man, Sun, but a 10th house kind of person or thing prohibits this aspect while coming to me. I see no logic in this.

Please, help.


I'll take a look. Can you confirm the time of the chart, as you cite two different times. 14:48 and 2:58 pm - there's ten minutes difference. This isn't going to make an awful lot of difference but I'll work on the basis that the second time is a typo and the correct time is 14:48.


If it were about a job....

If you had asked about a new job, then this chart is very promising. Saturn placed in the tenth (using Regiomontanus) with an applying aspect to the MC, and Lord 10 (Jupiter) applying to Lord 1 (Saturn) by sextile with a mutual reception by Exaltation and Domicile.

There's also Venus, Domicile ruler of Lord 10 (Jupiter). Venus last two aspects were a sextile to Jupiter, followed by a conjunction to Saturn and her next aspect is a sextile to the Ascendant (one degree off and completed about four minutes after you cast the chart.

But sadly you didn't ask about the job....

Of course you could cheat and ask at the same time tomorrow. Jupiter is still applying to Saturn.


The time was 2:58 actually, sorry for the mistake! Sadly, yes, didn't ask about a job but still, what else could be such a powerful 10th house influence to prevent the romantic development? I mean, I first asked about the man a year ago and I am still asking... We do work together but we won't be the first colleagues dating. Could the chart speak of a new job as a prohibition of romance with him? It's a bit odd but I can't come up with any valid explanation.

P.S. I don't want to cheat, the chart is fit to be read. :)


The time was 2:58 actually, sorry for the mistake! Sadly, yes, didn't ask about a job but still, what else could be such a powerful 10th house influence to prevent the romantic development? I mean, I first asked about the man a year ago and I am still asking... We do work together but we won't be the first colleagues dating. Could the chart speak of a new job as a prohibition of romance with him? It's a bit odd but I can't come up with any valid explanation.

P.S. I don't want to cheat, the chart is fit to be read. :)

In a real sense it's not surprising that you see a clear tenth house emphasis. From your background information, a new job is clearly very high on your list of priorities, indeed the chart suggests that it's your number one priority, from house position, as Saturn is in the tenth house, using Regiomontanus.

But Jupiter doesn't just rule the tenth house in this chart. It also rules the eleventh house of friends' through Sagittarius and in a Whole Sign chart, it's the eleventh that holds Saturn. Now I would have said that ABC is uppermost in your mind at the time of casting the chart and if not a lover, he's a friend.

That's not to remove the tenth house from consideration entirely but to suggest that things are more complex in this chart. To add to the piquancy, Jupiter rules Pisces which is intercepted in the first. So you could argue that Jupiter is a secondary significator of you and hey presto, the Moon aspects firstly Jupiter by square and then Sun by sextile. So you could say that the chart indicates success for your question.

I would hesitate to go that far, as my point here is that Jupiter, while important hasn't got a clear meaning in relation to the question asked, other that the interception (and that's not awfully clear as to whether we should treat Jupiter as a co-significator of the querent).

If we keep to Jupiter as simply Lord 10 and look at the potential narrative of the job interrupting the romance, we need some evidence that but for an aspect to Jupiter the romance would blossom. Saturn doesn't aspect the Sun, it's actually averse to it, being in the adjacent sign. So we are reliant on the Moon to do the work of bringing you two together. The Moon does aspect Jupiter before it reaches the Sun (him) but the Moon doesn't go on to aspect Saturn. So there's no translation of light that is prohibited by that aspect to Jupiter.

What we have is an aspect to Saturn from Jupiter, that will perfect but we can't say categorically that in this chart the only signification of Jupiter is that of Lord 10 and it's rulership of the eleventh should be ignored (no friends are going to distract you from ABC) or its rulership of Pisces intercepted in the first (you're not going to distract yourself).

If you had had some focus on the job in the question, then you could have taken that interpretation of Jupiter being solely Lord 10 in terms of its aspects but you didn't. It might happen but it's not predicted to happen from this chart.

At a personal level, I really hope it does happen. You need that job.

Now I'd still look at casting another horary about a job. If there is a job lurking out there, then the second horary should pick it up and show that this horary is not just leading to wishful thinking. I just hope that horary is successful.


Hi Minderwiz,

But the Moon is a co-significator of the querent and we have used it a number of times. She will sextile the Sun, the man, after this 10th or 11th person/thing is out of the way. Question being if this 10/11 house matter could prohibitmy own wish while still aspecting me (Jupiter to Saturnand it's a beautiful aspect). We are friendly, yes. Very much so.


Now I'd still look at casting another horary about a job. If there is a job lurking out there, then the second horary should pick it up and show that this horary is not just leading to wishful thinking. I just hope that horary is successful.

I did end up with pretty much the same chart. I cast it at 1:36 pm today, Nov 7, and I still have Jupiter L10 applying to me, Saturn (I had no idea I'd get Saturn as my significator again!) in the 10th. However, just like in the previous chart, I wonder what kind of job this 8th house Jupiter will bring. Judging by my experience, won't be exactly nice.

There is Moon Sun partile square and Moon Saturn partile sextile at the same time! Sun is the man. Saturn is me. And yes, I did peek to check this although I asked for a job. Because he is very much on my mind lately due to some recent developments.


Minderwiz, I got some really bad news at my present work today as my hours will be reduced by 1/4. This, in the current situation, with legal expenses, is simply not going to let us continue paying rent. In short, things are bad. Could you kindly take a look at this second chart i did (post above) and tell me if you see what I see. Is there a new job for me or not? Thank you.


Minderwiz, I got some really bad news at my present work today as my hours will be reduced by 1/4. This, in the current situation, with legal expenses, is simply not going to let us continue paying rent. In short, things are bad. Could you kindly take a look at this second chart i did (post above) and tell me if you see what I see. Is there a new job for me or not? Thank you.

So sorry to hear your news, that's really shitty!

I did take a look at the chart at the time you posted it, but didn't bother replying as much had already been said. Using Regiomontanus, Jupiter, the Job doesn't scream out grab me. Jupiter is Peregrine (though the mutual reception by domicile with Peregrine Venus makes that somewhat debatable). Also it's in the eighth which doesn't scream promotion and advancement - possibly it could be described as a dead end job but it has something going for it. Your second house is ruled by Mars, and Mars is exalted in Capricorn - though not for much longer. So the pay may be quite good at least initially. As what you want is income, it may be worth taking. But coming up to 29 degrees of Capricorn and being in the twelfth I have doubts about anything beyond the short term.

Jupiter's application to Saturn suggests strongly that you will get the job, especially as it's almost got your name written on it (Saturn is the exaltation ruler, the triplicity ruler and the decan ruler for Jupiter's location.

The Moon is interesting, more because her last aspect was a trine to Jupiter, and she's now in a partile sextile to Saturn. That sextile is still in force, so the Moon also translates the light from Jupiter to Saturn; plus the MC is applying to Saturn: All good indicators.

So it looks like you've got a job coming. It's not going to be anything to shout about but the pay looks good, at least initially.

As you know, I now use Whole Sign Houses. That shifts at least one of the indicators of the Job to Mars, as the tenth becomes Scorpio. The MC still needs to be taken into account' so there's still indication that you will get something. Jupiter the MC ruler is now better placed in the ninth house, though this is balanced by Mars being in the 29th degree of Capricorn, so Job looks good but you might have to move to take it and not necessarily to anywhere you want to go. Still, metaphorically, the Job is knocking on your door (Mars just over a degree away form Aquarius). Either way the chance of a job should come up. Let's hope it holds for long enough for you to get through the next few months and paves the way for something even better.