Stuck on the three of cups


This is the last card for my plan of the suit of cups. Consulting multiple decks and a book. This card is about celebration or possibly celebration after hardship. Last time I felt I really had something to celebrate was when I graduated from my BA in 2008. Most of the the time when I encounter hardship I go "That's done. Where's the next mother f*cker?" Yes, I have depression (and I'm being treated for it). I also have a list of physical chronic illness which means looking after myself in order to have the chance of being well enough to have fun is hard work.



I'm not sure what you want help with? Is it the meaning of the 3 of cups or how to express how you feel into the 3 of cups?


Well, exuberance, friendship, community, celebration. There's an air of relaxation among friends and getting together. Sharing, trust, bonding. Would a family 'get together' cover it for the image? Several friends in a café sharing glasses of wine? A book club meeting with appetizers and coffee?

The image is up to you, your initial assessment seemed to be aimed at one individual and their circumstances instead of a group activity. Maybe that's what's holding you up?
Check these two, you might get more ideas.


This is one of my favourite cards!

I'm sorry for the depression. I know all too well how much it sucks the life out of you. It's one of the reasons that this is one of my favourite cards. It reminds me to celebrate what I can, when I can, because I know that my ability to do so can be taken away at any time (thanks troll brain).

Perhaps as inspiration you can look to everyday happiness, such as kids playing catch while mum picnics nearby.


I've ended up going with Three of cups - Three ancient Egyptian musicians a la tomb art. Three cups in the foreground. Upright a celebration well earned. A beginning of a new chapter. Reversed ties with others need to be worked through but not avoided.