Crystal Study Group: Pyrope Garnet


Hi all, I am beginning a study with Pyrope Garnet, as I need grounding after working with so many crown/third eye chakra stones :)

Pyrope Garnet is a semi-precious crystal, and is a magnesium aluminium garnet, often found with the Almandine (precious) variety.

It is also said to help relieve low blood suger, one of the reasons I am using it at this time; and also helps with rheumatism and arthritis. As it is related to the root chakra, it can also enhance blood flow and libido.

The emotional healing for Pyrope Garnet is said to be a restoration of energy and the will to live, after the energies or drives have hit an all time low. Useful to restore zest after periods of depression.

This crystal is also attuned to the heart chakra.

It is also related to the planet Mars, and is said to bring courage. One is meant to trace the words "I am as fierce as a wolf" or "I am as brave as a lion" over it with the index finger, in order to imbue it with these strengths. It is related to the Zodiac signs Capricorn and Aquarius. Its empowerment is: "I will not let my inner fire burn dimly".

Garnet is related to the feminine principle, due to its ability to ease blood flow, and so may help with menses or menopausal symptoms. It is a stone that is said to enhance a woman's drive and success in the workplace, due to its ability to impart courage; it will aid one to make practical decisions.

Since wearing the stone (since yesterday) I have had a great surge of the number 4 in my life, seeing it everywhere, especially in triples. As Garnet is grounding and hard working, 4 makes all kinds of sense - the number of practicality, hard work, common sense. I am also seeing a lot of the 55's again (or still) and this also makes sense, because the 5's denote faith that the Universe will bring the prosperity one requires in order to be able to concentrate on other things. The message, to me, is "work hard at doing what you love best, and the money will follow". Useful! lol....

I have also noted the immediate grounding effect - I was so floaty and scattered from the other crystals (too much too soon, I am thinking) and the moment I clad myself in Pyrope garnet, I felt grounded, steady, calmed, and ready to go forward and deal with the tasks of the day. I think this is a good stone to wear between working with other crystals!

You can read more about Garnets here:
and, interestingly enough, it is the 4th stone listed on the page :laugh:


I am looking forward to hearing about your experiences with this one. My class instructor was using Garnet for the Root Chakra stone, but I didn't have one so had to go with Red Jasper. I have always loved the look of Garnet though, and was sad that I didn't have one. Thanks for the link, too; unrelated but just in case any one is interested...I am getting ready to try and make one of those tree of life pendants like is showing at the top of that page :)


Since wearing the stone (since yesterday) I have had a great surge of the number 4 in my life, seeing it everywhere, especially in triples. As Garnet is grounding and hard working, 4 makes all kinds of sense - the number of practicality, hard work, common sense.

OMG!!!!!! Is this why I saw 4:44 on my clock yesterday while I was busy cleaning away???? LOL I just re-read the part about hard work......I thought it was because you are seeing 4s : )

I've never heard of this crystal but grounding is always a good thing....

I'm looking forward to finding out more about Pyrope Garnet : )


I am looking forward to hearing about your experiences with this one. My class instructor was using Garnet for the Root Chakra stone, but I didn't have one so had to go with Red Jasper. I have always loved the look of Garnet though, and was sad that I didn't have one. Thanks for the link, too; unrelated but just in case any one is interested...I am getting ready to try and make one of those tree of life pendants like is showing at the top of that page :)

Garnet is very beautiful to look upon - like a gorgeous, pigeon's blood-red, was frequently used in the Medieval times as a link between the earth and the heavens - they thought you might be more able to hear God speak if you wore garnets. Hence the mass availability of Christian crosses with Garnets on them.

It is also meant to be the stone of true love, allowing you to meet up with and clearly "see" the person you are meant to be with. It aligns with Heart chakra as well as root, hence the association with love. :) they are easily available in tumbled form; the Pyrope Garnet is the most common, and the most affordable, of the Garnet family.

Pyrope Garnet comes in shades of very dark red to violet; the ones from India have a distinct purple light in them when you see them in the sun :)

That tree pendant is very pretty, btw! You will have to post a pic once it is done!

OMG!!!!!! Is this why I saw 4:44 on my clock yesterday while I was busy cleaning away???? LOL I just re-read the part about hard work......I thought it was because you are seeing 4s : )

I've never heard of this crystal but grounding is always a good thing....

I'm looking forward to finding out more about Pyrope Garnet : )

This is an easy stone to get, and very grounding, DownwardS - it also allows you to "know" the true heart of your lover, so a good one (if sometimes painful) to wear in order to know someone's true motivations towards is also extremely grounding, since I have been wearing it I have felt very rooted and very connected, very solidly, to the ground; it makes one look through the eyes of practicality; it gives one the steady strength required to simply motor on through tasks, without thinking too much about it; I strongly recommend this stone for trying times, as it imparts a very cool and analytical view of the situation, and provides one with access to the more practical, planning part of the mind. :)

so instead of panicking, you just feel, ok, so this is what I should do makes you act in a very focused, very 1-2-3, this will equal that, kind of way, instead of reacting wildly and erratically - it's awesome for getting through things! lol...


LOL this crystal has my name written all over it : )


lol@ DownwardS ;) it is a very steadying stone to wear...

This will be my last post on Garnet for a bit, I will still be working with it on and off, but as it is a quiet stone, there are no huge revelations to write about daily!

A few of my conclusion notes...this stone is helping me get through a flustered time, when I have a lot to do. My whole month is going to be ridiculously busy, so I won't be posting much - however, I did have so very many things to do, still do, in preparation for the arrival of a houseful of guests and changes at my spouse's work (which involve official duties for me) and the Garnet has been helping me get through these things, one at a time. It is also helping me to not feel flustered.

This crystal is extremely physically calming, so if you suffer from anxiety or panic attacks, this is a good stone to have around you. I found myself becoming very aware of my stress levels, of the clenching of teeth or of muscle, so I could relax as soon as it took over - I would note the tension and then let it dissipate. It also really aids the libido :) very helpful in releasing tension.

I have many times had the image in my mind of just lying in the grass, connecting to the earth, even though I wasn't doing that physically, and so it is certainly a grounding stone.

In meditation, Garnet has worked for me in such a way that it causes calm, deep seated instead of the striking visualisations I would get with other stones, this crystal allows for thoughts arising from the bottom of the psyche, and for philosophy; helps realisation; makes one aware of the past, and aids in releasing it; gives one a feeling of acceptance, and of reality. This is very much a grounding crystal. You can really tell it is associated to the Root chakra. No flights of fancy - just seeing things in a very balanced, rational and honest way. It seems to dissipate illusion and reveal the truth to you in a gentle but perceptive way.

Still seeing 4's and 11's everywhere, but now also seeing 2's.

Yesterday I found myself feeling extremely calm, and oddly thinking about Garnet and its effects all day, even while out with friends and chatting ect. I felt very quiet and thoughtful all day, I let my freiends do all the talking :) Later, I realised I had a small chunk of Garnet in the pocket of my jeans - I had forgotten it was there! :laugh: and so it was reminding me all day of itself ;) which I found quite interesting. It does speak. It just speaks calmly and quietly.

This is a crystal of dignity, and of courage and steadfastness. It also aided me in reading my Tarot cards, because it made me feel as though my perceptions were clear-headed and simply laid out - so the cards echoed that feeling. I really like this stone...

On to the next crystal ;)


I came across Garnet in a tarot reading and I needed some info on the crystal. I find it really interesting that Lotus Padma says it is a very grounding stone because the tarot reading was about getting more down to earth.

Here are some facts I found out about Garnet:

- Birthstone for January, durable and hard as a gemstone (Mohs hardness 6.5-7.5)
- beneficial for human relations: friendship, love,sex
- good for seeing past lives (hold in hand or place on top of your head)
- enhances purity, seeking for truth, sincerity
- enhances well being and helps overcome depression
- good for safe travel
- Goddesses: Persephone, Demeter and Sekhmet

I was surprised to learn that garnets come in so many colors: red, maroon, purple, yellow, rose, orange, even black and colorless. And that green ones are really valued ones.


I have found it to be the absolute best stone to wear when I need grounding. This stone binds you to the earth, and makes you feel incredibly practical. I can see why it was assigned to Capricorns! :D It also seems to make depression go away merely because it makes depression look silly to your mind. It is so imbued in good common sense, that it really does make one feel strong as a wolf or a lion, as in the first post, and makes one feel rather invincible - like a tank :)

I did find these feelings hard to reconcile with the love/passion side of the stone! :bugeyed: It has never stirred passion in me, although it most certainly gave me focus and strength...I found rubies better for the - uh - other things *blush*


This section reminds me about stones I haven't played with in awhile. I'm a cappy (my sympathies, a friend said solemly when I told him) and one of my huge challeges was to expand beyond garnet's wonderful grounded practicality. Although we all played with sand rubies as kids--tiny grain-of-sand-sized red garnets--I've liked garnets, but didn't feel like bringing any home. Then I met two black garnets from Africa.

They are unpolished, twinned, cylindrical garnets. My dog was scheduled for an operation yesterday, so I thought, why not support my strengths? I carried the garnets in one pocket and an emerald and ajoite-included clear quartz crystal in the other. It was a 1 1/2 hour drive. I felt super grounded and practical, especially while browsing a metaphysical/crystal shop while my dog was operated on. I bought a few small stones and birthday gifts, but nothing budget threatening, thanks to the garnets, and the garnet thread! Sully did fine and is recovering nicely btw, a neuter/gastropexy for the young akita.

Also, while eating lunch a street person walked in and sat down across from me (called in for healing assistance by Pink Feather, the ajoite crystal, I now see) demanding first money, then trying for food. As with anything, I responded trusting inner guidance. I ended up giving him the rest of my french fries and fish breading bits, which I was saving! ha! I acted as I would have in that case anyway. However, with the garnets, I felt no flare of anger as the man invaded my space and I rode my inner knowing without a hitch. It's feelings I'm talking about here.

THanks Lotus. Sometimes it takes another perspective to reopen old options.