Ace of swords +Ace of Cups+Tower


I did a reading for myself yestarday . Im waiting for some news and those cards came up. At first i was like "wow" two aces in a reading ! This must be some important news , most likely unexpectedly and some news that it's much more than i was expected
I am new to tarot and im still trying to understand the possible meaning of those three cards together. Any advise if it will be a good or bad outcome as i am worried about The Tower card ?!!


Is this the whole reading?


No . It's a 7cards reading from right to left and the 4th card being the key. The first three cards create a story and the same thing with the last three cards too
It's just that the last 3cards got my attention

This is how actually looks like
Tower+Ace Cups+Ace Swords + (4 cards removed by Moderator)

As much as i understand from this reading the news it could happen sooner than i was expecting