The Wheel is chasing me!!!


That's a possibility too. I just expected something a bit more visually blunt: like a 3 or 10 of swords. Or maybe something symbolizing the "end" of something. The Wheel is supposed to be change for the better if things are already going crapily. And things can't get any worse, so in what ways could it get better? Maybe I have too narrow a view of this card...

The Wheel of Fortune is a Major and it's about the end of a cycle, the start of the next so it's definitely a card about endings and moving on and to me, much more so than the 10 of Swords and the 3 of Swords - both Sword cards so about the mind or communication rather than physical things..

I agree with Griz, I'd say this card is telling you to stop waiting for something to happen.. If it looks as if nothing is happening then nothing is happening.. Move on to the next phase of your life.