666. Crowley is God!

Ross G Caldwell

rachelcat said:
Only in America!!! Blogger Joseph Cannon has uncovered evidence that George W. Bush may be the grandson of Aleister Crowley. No, it's not a joke. (Well not completely . . .) Here's the link: http://cannonfire.blogspot.com/2006/04/george-w-bush-barbara-bush-and.html


I really can't say, based on my own knowledge, whether this has any credibility. Several key dates should be easily able to find.

If Barbara Bush (née Pierce) were born on June 8, 1925, she should have been conceived in September, 1924. If her mother Pauline really returned from a visit to Paris where she hung with Crowley's friends in early October, 1924, then it depends entirely on how long she spent in Paris whether the chronology fits.

The author avoids saying when Pauline left *for* Paris; so, it could have been only two weeks long, and she could have left America already pregnant; or, it could have been a month long and she should have gotten pregnant in Paris.

None of the responses to the original blog post clarifies the matter, so I assume if anyone is interested in this, they'll have to do some digging. And we know how easy it is to find reliable and detailed information on the Bush family, don't we?

Crowley's diaries from this Paris period have not been published, that I am aware of. They should have been the second volume of Symonds and Grant, eds. "The Magical Record of the Beast 666". But they have never seen the light of day.

If there is mention of Pauline Robinson Pierce in these diaries, it is entirely plausible that political pressure was put on Symonds et al. not to publish them.


Immenatizing the Thelemic Eschaton

Any day now ... as that auspicious date approaches; 06/06/06!


ravenest said:
Any day now ... as that auspicious date approaches; 06/06/06!

I can't wait for that day! I recieve my new Thoth deck.


thanks 4 link. A shame thery are so negative about it; disaster, end of the world etc, heck! ... we'll be partying down!


I saw on the news that the town of Hell, MI is going to be having a huge 6-6-6 party tomorrow. })


How are you feeling today? It is 06-06-06, 11:21 am in the morning (my time) and until now nothing funky occured.

So ppl relax, you don't have to worry about comets crashing down or whatever.