How's YOUR May?


how is may?
hmm, at work it's a big heep of troubles that don't affect me personally. but gossip is worse than ever in these circumstances, people getting fired for obscure, or no reason. it's a turmoil there.
i just had my talk about how i do at work, dunno the name for such a talk, but they are very happy with me and the work i do. i am not over the hills in joy with this job, but it's ok, i don't mind doing it, i like it because it doesn't take much energy so i have heaps left of that for other things. although all the shit going around i could do without.
moneywise, i had to repair my car, the bill was way less than i expected, only 75 euros, the guys from the garage on the corner here were nice to me i think :)
other bills were the medical ones from my dog i had to put down 3 weeks ago, and i had to do the yearly shots for the other 2, so that's a lot of money.
but, great thing is that the tax refund was in my account yesterday :)



Virgo x 5 and Scorpio rising

My month of May has been the Wheel of Fortune and the Tower. First my mom moved out, then my father threw me out. Then there's been my love affairs that's worn me completely out! Since I had to move for myself, money has also been an issue. In additon, I've been partying all month... I have a tendency to shut things out when I'm frustrated...

So, it's certainly been an eventful month for me. Now I'm just looking sooooo forward to going to Thailand. It'll be really good for me. A change in environment is exactly what I need now. :)



destinyawaitsme said:
MONEY!!! (or lack there of) has been a big problem for me. Still job searching...Runes are telling me I need to try a new approach, so I'll do that as soon as I figure out that approach. :)

that's what I got from your reading! some thing different than the norm. I don't recall my words exactly. I still think about you job hunting...
keep the faith, as I recall I did say the right one will come at the right time, follow the signs.


Mercury Retrograde, Bah Humbug!

Hi AG,

Shhh! This Virgo is in hiding.

I have had a flat tire, a frozen, wormed computer, client's have missed appointments, misinformation with contractors at job and problems with oversea's calls.

When the computer tech came to do repairs he said he had a quarrel with a customer and also had a flat tire. Wouldn't you know it--after he left here he had another flat!

And now President Bush has messages from the past to deal with. My, my.

I don't really want to think about the last week-end of May.

It is really quite nice here in the closet.



Oh my, what do I say?

Some of your stories made me laugh and some made me cry.

The communication problems and big time gossip are everywhere, it's really best to pretend you know nothing.

I'm also moving (again!) at the end of the month and hope this time, I'll be settled, although I gave a deposit a few days ago when Mercury went we'll see.

Moose, I'm with you...I'm gonna hide under my bed...




This was a great post for a student of the art.
A few thing that I observed was the amount of earth signs that had something to relay, Mercury/ communication. But Mercury(rules Gemini) is in Gemini(air) so I don't know why the earths came around. There are 2 fire signs that have both rising and moon in earth signs(destiny & jade)big earth infuence there. And the simularities, awsome. There are several pairs of us that had common occurances and the signs match more often than not. The issue of money was interesting. This probably is more about the Sun than Mercury. 2 earths had a boost of income and the 2 fires, well, they could be happier with the issue. I can't find any connection with the car troubles though. That probably extends to one of the outer planets.
I love this !! hey AG...will you set us up again when there is a major happening ?


:D wow, i'm totally impressed that you know what sign we all are. :D

what a memory you have, and here i am, hardly remembering a person's name!



Lunafly, great observations!! The car troubles are a product of Mercury retrograde. Cars and transportation in general are Mercury/Gemini/3rd house matters.

The money problems that many are experiencing (speaking collectively) are signified by Saturn/Pluto (economy not doing well, especially post 9/11) and coming to a head with the Sun in Taurus and the duo reaching the exact opposition this month.

Everybody just hang on...the month is almost over!

Peace and Love,


don't be so impressed...

jade said:
wow, i'm totally impressed that you know what sign we all are.
what a memory you have, and here i am, hardly remembering a person's name!

Jade, does the jingle, 'signs, signs, everwhere there's signs' ring a bell ? your name is on the list...:)
no memory involved and I'm AWFUL with names.
I'm better at remembering what you drink than your name.


hey there everyone!

My May has been soooo busy and I think I'm in love! I haven't visited here in about a week as I've been going non-stop the entire month. This is a 5 of Wands month for me and when I did the Calendar reading in January, I wasn't sure what was to be. Well, I think I can take the card literally because I've had five men wanting to date me! This sounds silly, but just its been just like the picture - five guys sort of battling it out. Sure, all of the attention was an ego boost for a couple of weeks, but I think I've finally settled on one.... my best friend's brother - who knew? (He's an Aries so NOW I know who the King of Wands is, which has been showing up in my readings for months!)

I see that several of you have been having $$$ problems and I guess the positive here is that I can feel like I'm not alone! (car problems too... grrr!) June is supposed to be a 5 of Pents month and I'm beginning to feel it already. Where's the cash???!!!

But overall, May 2002 has been good to me.

Hang in there, my friends!

~ january