Quick! Need spread for friend who just found out she's pregnant!

Pique Dame

She isn't sure yet how she feels and if she really wants to keep it or not. I see a lot of spreads for women wanting to become pregnant which could be tweaked a little to fit the situation but I'm hoping to find more of one for an unplanned and possibly unwanted pregnancy, and with more information than a "Should I?/Shouldn't I?" spread. The index didn't show anything too informative and the forum search didn't give much help either. Thank you in advance!


Try A Decision Making Spread

A spread with two or more options:
Raise the child myself
Offer the child for adoption
Have an abortion

Ask what the impact on her life would be for each of those possibilities, plus any others that she can think of.


Too Many Choices looks at a number of different options around each choice the querent can think of and throws in another set of cards for the choice not thought of. Because there is almost always a choice that hasn't been thought of (or that has been dismissed out of hand for whatever reason).



Why does *she* think it's a problem
What is *actually* the real problem
How difficult being a mother would be at this time in her life
Advice on what's best for her highest good

Pique Dame

These are some good spreads. I ended up copying and pasting several into a word document, made a few changes to some in order to fit the situation better, and sent them to her. Will let you know if any of them turn out to be particularly helpful.