Two of Pentacles (in regards to feelings/relationship)


I often see the 2 coins as meaning "quid pro quo" (an equal exchange). Most people see the suit coins/pents as representing physical goods or money, but an exchange could be anything of value, including love, emotional security, ego boost, etc.

I typically use TdM, but this interpretation is also valid with the RWS juggler who is managing the exchange of balls from one hand to the other.


thinbuddha said:
I often see the 2 coins as meaning "quid pro quo" (an equal exchange). Most people see the suit coins/pents as representing physical goods or money, but an exchange could be anything of value, including love, emotional security, ego boost, etc.

I think that's an excellent meaning for this card regarding relationships. Like a more practical, tangible aspect of the two of cups (or swords, for that matter).


With swords, I might see it as more "tit for tat"... No pun intended.


thinbuddha said:
With swords, I might see it as more "tit for tat"... No pun intended.


Not me. Just that it's on your mind all the time, how you want to be with someone... The mental aspect of coupling. Though I would see it as mutual. lol


Mellifluous said:
Not me. Just that it's on your mind all the time, how you want to be with someone... The mental aspect of coupling. Though I would see it as mutual. lol

I was going to say that I was "just joking" about "tit for tat" being 2S interpretation (because at the time I wrote it, it was entirely for comic effect) but the more I think about it, the more I realize that it isn't really a bad interpretation for the card, in certain situations.

Certainly your interp works too.... which is the really nice thing about tarot.


I think it means wanting to be less thrown by ups and downs or conflicting emotions. To just take everything in one's stride and go with the flow.

Agreed. Especially because my friend says he feels like that and I got that card to confirm it. A brave step, I'd say, because you're really trying to balance your emotions and not let yourself be guided by them and act on every impulse you have.


I've always read the 2 of pentacles as changing opinion, when your undecided.


I haven't read all the other posts so someone may have also said this, but I see it as the person being rather ambiguous about what they do want. Kind of a "mmm---maybe, maybe not" indecisive stance on the whole thing. Like they just haven't decided exactly what they want emotionally. Running hot one day and cold the next by spells, sort of.


it means, to me at least, some ambiguity, indecision, and remember ( a bit ) THE FOOL, like a distant relative...


I read the 2 of Pents in terms of relationships in two ways. For me, it can mean indecisiveness (everything is "up in the air", or a gamble) and uncertainty. It can also be an imbalance... perhaps you two are spending too little or too much time together?