Harmonious Fives

Grip Dellabonte

Actually.. I was thinking...[listening to the the chicken noises inside my head...]

that I could do sevens or eights or something that comes a bit later. (I´m too busy at work right now but I know I will have more time, say,within a month.)

That would be very fun! Just let us know when you're ready. There's no pressure...I just think it would be great to have your voice.

Grip Dellabonte

Keavy - Thanks for this. I had a whole mental block on this card.

One is engaged in changing his situation - he is taking steps, i.e., climbing up two steps and over two fence rails; one is immobile - ankles crossed, chin in hands - and appears to be stuck and unmotivated to make a change, so he remains where he is.

While this is a five, it has a lot of two energy in it. Two men, two approaches. In a reading, I would wonder if the Querent were the figure crossing the fence for adventure or the one staying where he is. The active figure is energetic and passionate about his journey; the passive figure looks pensively to the left, to the past. Since Swords represent thoughts and ideas, I wonder if he is ruminating and maybe obsessing about the past and is therefore unable to take steps toward his future.

In the traditional RWS this is sometimes called the card of defeat. In this case, the man in blue is stuck in his mind and has defeated himself. It will take a jolt to get him to stand up and take action.

This speaks to me of teamwork, everyone ‘pulling’ together to accomplish a single task, i.e., make music. They feel to me as if they are cooperating, yet this is the traditional card of conflict. It also means healthy competition, so perhaps the five cherubs are competing to see who can play the loudest or best tune!!

Ha! I think I took a more gloomy, Saturnine approach! Competition! Clubs! Discord! RARR!!

You went to the...tinkly bells! Cherubs! Teamwork! Tra lal la!

The other two cards we pretty much saw the same things...


I am continuing with small comments about the cards that were analysed before.

5 of Swords. Traditionally this is the card of defeat and as 13th says we should not allow ourselves to be overwhelmed with it; we rather should learn how to loose without become looser lol .
What you say about such interpretation of this card: remember this two guys from 5 of Swords in RWS? We can only see their backs, they are dispirited and broken. Maybe 5 in Harmonious tarot shows them little bit later- they've got over their failure. They fought, they lost, now they move further. They lost their knight grandeur, they are not so proud, and they are moving on. They are going to start from beginning somewhere else. They had a short break, but the break is over now. "Hey dude, stand up and move, holidays are finished, we've got to move." ;) In this way I would say Harmonious Tarot is focusing more on the advice from Hierophant then on the conflict itself.

I know it is kind of stretch, but that's how I saw it from the first glance and it made sense to me.

Grip and Keavy- I love the way you described 5 of Chalices! I mean the stuff about being left at the altar.How could I not see it? Thanks for that, it helped me to understand this card deeper.

I wish I could say the same about the 5 of Wands...