Buddha Tarot - Wesak, The Full Moon (XVIII. Moon)


This card shows Gautama on the very brink of becoming the Buddha as he meditates through the three watches of the night. The combination of colors is among the loveliest in the deck. He sits in the familiar image on the Diamond Throne beneath the (soon-to-be) Bodhi Tree, eyes closed, hands in the mudra of meditation.

According to Robert Place's commentary on this card, it represents the brahma viharas (although he doesn't use that term), night, a time of rest, and meditation. He appears to be stripping this card of its usual shadow side of lunacy and panic. I think this card does have a shadow side that may not exist in the original Moon card, that of isolation and withdrawal. It is possible that to make the choice to go inward and withdraw into one's own inner being, even when the goal is enlightenment, is the wrong choice when there are loved ones waiting for us in the real world.


I drew this card again today in my daily deck study. It occured to me that this card frequently means illusion when drawn, but, considering that this is the Buddha-in-formation being depicted, wouldn't this card represent Truth?