Sabian Symbols Study Group: Taurus Degree 24 - #54


:) Welcome to the Sabian Symbol Oracle Study thread!

Please feel free to discuss the Sabian Symbol in this thread, and to ask questions or, explore any aspect of the many interpretions the Symbol holds. Please add your own observations and interpretations too!! The Symbol used in this heading is by Lynda Hill

Sun Sign: TAURUS
Degree: 24
Number: 54



To understand this symbol more clearly I've brought the Taurus 24 Degree symbol back into the light : A JEWELRY SHOP FILLED WITH THE MOST MAGNIFICANT JEWELS.

Within this store is their a jewel waiting just for me or is it the whole energy of this store that makes my senses tinkle and awakening the hunter/huntress in me.

Have you ever had a moment of extreme clarity, an alchemical explosion, the floor crumbles before and you stand at the center of your existence. simultaneously you see your past, present and future flowing and mixing together - It's as if nothing at this moment is withheld from you and you know what you are to do.

My first thoughts actually when I read this symbol was Kali, the Hindu Goddess of Death, wearing her garland of human scalps. The scalps mark the end of our mental control and fill us with the war cry of the intuition. We become a fierce and proud warrior, full of passion and warlike aggression.

I always thought fire was a masculine energy but its greatest force is feminine in expression. Kali throws our conscious minds into total disarray, but she has a purpose - 'Creative Power!

But in the extreme we have no regard or respect for anything! In fact to protect what we 'own', to protect it's very survival we can and have reverted to torture and murder.

Two movies that come to mind here are Joan of Arc and Braveheart which I watched for the first time last week. There's lots of them out there I just can't think of them right now.



*Degree 54
Part of Body: Upper jaw
|Sabian Symbol: An indian, human scalps hanging at his belt, rides proudly.

Watching this Indian riding fiercely and proudly, I can almost hear the hinges of the jaws visibly flapping up and down - the teeth chattering!

Our skeletal system is an incredible design of hinges and connections allowing us to flexibility and movement. At the back of brains and upper part of the neck, including the throat and jaw, is the medulla oblongata a key point in Reiki and craniosacral therapy. This point is between the autonomic (internal stimuli) and our central nervous system that is crucial to our balance and harmony.

One important ‘hinge’ that is often overlooked is the jaw. Balancing the jaw is maintained with a proper bite or proper alignment of our teeth. If our teeth don’t align, our jaw will shift ever so slightly to allow our teeth to chew which can put our whole body under tension. This shifting can put stress on our organs and tissues and our skeletal structure.

Have you ever told a friend or discovered a revelation – our jaws visibly drops in surprise. Eureka we cry as the information we’ve sought for long and hard, (the dove feeding the grail) spins us back around into ourselves, creating a harmonic wave at our center of power.

But when we are uptight, tense or angry our jaws are tight and clenched! We’ve closed ourselves off emotionally, physically and spiritually from the messenger, the dove. It hovers near but separated from stimulating and accessing our minds.

The disease of T.M.J. (willfulness) is the result of a joint dysfunction, where the jaw becomes permanently misaligned and causes pain and discomfort.

Apparently excessive wax in the ear can be a clue that there may be a misalignment with our jaw.



Dr Jones has the Key Word Command

I love that Tink has explored this energy - command and control its like the GOOD control

that comes when everything just WORKS, not forced and not controlled in the controlling way

just happens - command energy...

Element Red Jasper

Discussion Jasper is variety of quartz , it can break with a smooth break, and is mostly used for ornamentation and as a gemstone, but in the past were used as arrow heads and sharp hunting implements. Jasper is an excellent grounding stone, giving you the energy and courage to demand personal independence. It provides constant, slow, deliberate control over the wearer. It is excellent in recovering from surgery. Both Kings and Priests used Jasper for spiritual and protective qualities. It is one of the stones used in the breastplate of Aaron. Jasper was considered a Warriors Stone, so it knows of loyalty, inner strength, injustice, and standing up for what you believe in.

I recently only re-discovered the energy of this stone, it does take time to work.. so if you are in need get some but give the energy time to all come together and WORK!

Of course this symbol takes into account the abilities a successful leader must have - prepared to put themselves at risk to be successful . The risks taken are marked by the rewards. Admiration and respected by people from all walks of life. American Indian artefacts are important in this symbol - not necessarily owning one - respecting them.One of my favourite people with this symbol has Downs syndrome and has terrible jaw issues... but is a leader and a fighter, motivator and has an energy to get things done!


I thought it would be good to use the Orphalese software to record my daily sabian symbol readings and so set about looking for appropriate images to convey the meaning of each card.

Attached is what I came up with for this symbol.

with love


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LOVE IT - thanks!