Plagiarizing someone else's cartomancy content...


I wanted to start a thread in the hopes of getting people's opinions on one specific topic which is related to Cartomancy whether it is Tarot, Oracles or other fortune telling systems.

Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
to "plagiarize" means

-to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one's own
-to use (another's production) without crediting the source
-to commit literary theft
-to present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source.

If you are a writer on your website or blog and create content to share with others to help them study card systems would you be offended, miffed or angered at the fact that someone else copied your ideas and claimed them as their own?

People love to share information on the cards by using personal or study examples. Once you put it on your website or blog it's open territory to anyone to use. Most people do provide link backs to the original source or writer. And then there are some people who copy & paste and say it's all their stuff.

My question is as follows:
How would you address this situation if it was your creative content being used by someone else calling it their own?


My question is as follows:
How would you address this situation if it was your creative content being used by someone else calling it their own?

It depends on how you feel about the situation.

If you are pleased that someone is making use of your creative output, you might simply send them an email asking them to give you credit and to give their readers a link back to your original work.

If you are displeased, or if you become displeased after they disregard your request, you can file a DMCA takedown notice. If they still ignore you, file one with their ISP.

The ISP is required to remove the disputed material until the copyright issue is resolved.

I have to do this all the time with my photographs. Some people believe that if an image is visible on the internet, it is free for them to use. Since my photos are All Rights Reserved, that isn't true, and the DMCA notice will force their ISP to take it down, even if they won't.



The ISP is required to remove the disputed material until the copyright issue is resolved.


Thanks for your reply and solid suggestions.