What is a shadow card?



I read a lot of posts where the shadow card is mentioned.

What exactly is the shadow card? Is it the card at the bottom of the pile when you turn it over?

I'm sorry for the question. I'm new to tarot and wanted to know.

Thank you guys


Never be sorry for the questions you don't know the answer to but are genuinely interested in knowing the answer for. To me, the shadow card is the base card. The one at the bottom of the deck after you've shuffled, cut, and laid out the cards :)


Hi Violet!

Thank you so much for sharing that information. I'm here to learn from all of you :)


hello there to me as others have said it is the base card after the cards are layed out.
It can hold the shadow aspect to the reading ie an underlying influence or in some-cases what the querant hasn't or refuses to take into consideration, The shadow card to me is a bit of a pandoras box , it tends to hold the more blunt aspect so i only read it if i feel that the querent is willing to hear its message, On the other hand I sometimes look at the shadow card if the message is not clear in the spread or somthing does not make sense. It can sometimes show what is causing the confusion and there for clarify what seems to be clouded.