Whats Your Motto?


how do i play

I was wondering how you played the fortune cookie game. I have been practicing alot like you suggested and it really has helped, i feel really connected with them.


ME TOO!!! I wanna' play!!! I Think I got the gist readin' a coupla'
prior replys, but am not 100% sure I know what I'm doin'...will
keep reading...never heard of fortune-cookie game(embarrassed
blush & big grin!)...


Have I got it???
I pulled 3 cards...
The Singer of Transfiguration/The Oak Men/ Death/
I create my interpretation?(although @ this point in time,am still
practicing "intuition exercises"@ front of book, so am going solely
on intuition alone as I'm not supposed to be readig t/book yet as
advised by author...)
Card #1:... It's time for major changes in life(perhaps an "L.A. turn-a-round";as we once said long ago!) Heed the voices in t/wind, tinkle of wind chimes,& echoes of sighs from t/past...
The Oak Men brings immediately to mind the advice from the wise,elderly generation/they've been there,done that/listen&learn
Death the "polished- gem" Change (End) result beginning from
the form first taking shape in the Singer of Transfiguration./ the
transformation that was needed @ this time("spring-cleaning!"...
out- with-t/old;renew;re-fresh/)
IS THIS IT??? The fortune cookie game, I mean? If not, @ Least
I got in some intuitive time w/fey;anywho,teehee...now...back to
readin' oer week-end;gotta' promise ta' keep to September Pixie
re:a story for fun,haha!!!


43. Geeeeooo the Slooow
33. Faeries of the Future
15. The Journeyman

Walk your own path in your own time.


Welcome HushdWhisper! And thanks for drawing this back up from the Well! :D

The Master Maker
Lady of the Harvest

When you create with Joy, you reap what you sow.

Wow. I needed that....


Ok, I'm gonna try this . . .

26. O! That Gnome
17. Himself
10 The Singer of Healing

A little mischeif now and then is healing for the strongest men (or women).


Random draw:

65-The Fee Lion
42-Myk the Myomancer

Scowls turn to Joy when you slow down and look for the hidden treasures.


46 The Friends
58 Ffaff the Ffooter
45 Taitlin the Sylph

Put your best foot forward to find friendship and freedom!

(the faeries appreciate a little alliteration now and then!)

September Pixie

Yes, thats exactly how you do it :) Its really been a fun way to get to know my fae friends :)


I finally got around to doing this....this is what came up...

The faun

The passage of life changes brings you closer to the light, and from that light, let my life be reborn again.

smiles softly at the lovely fae.
