Which Visconti-Sforza..?


I'm currently looking to add a historic deck to my collection, and figured there could be no better than the Visconti-Sforza. However, I'm aware that there are a few different versions available, and I was wondering if anyone here had any opinions on which one is the best?

- Herodotus.

Go the Cary-Yale, It replicates all the accrued damage of the years.

Ditto the Piedmont-Morgan.

Or the LoS gold-Foil version, if you want something in a conventional size and eye-catching.

Or the mini LoS version, which despite it being essentially the same as the previous one without the gold, has a totally different Devil card, which in my opinion is the best Devil card in any deck.


In my opinion the Longobardica and the US Games second edition are the finest quality and definitely the way to go if you can swing it. My second choice would be the Lo Scarabeo gold foil editions. They're simply gorgeous. :)

The first edition USG deck looks quite lovely too, in a rustic sort of way. Thanks for sharing this comparison sheet.



In the US Games first edition only the Devil, Tower and two other replacement cards have those red line drawings. The Devil and Tower are from the Tarot Classic, though the latter are in full color. The rest of the cards are the same as the Longobardica and US Games 2nd. In a recent post in another thread someone mentioned they have a Longobardica edition that also has those line drawing replacements.