Pages as Outcomes in Love


For the most part I don't see any of the pages as great outcomes in most romantic readings. Yes, they can indicate having a baby, but if you are merely asking about a romantic partnership and not pregnancy then I don't see this. I suppose to get a baby out of the situation you'd need other supporting cards.

In general, I see the Pages as seeds that don't get a good jump start. It's like you have the potential, but it's not going anywhere. Anyone else have any ideas? What has been your experience as Pages as outcomes.

Page of Wands: Talking between two people that never really materializes. Or it's too immature to get it's feet off the ground. Wrong time and wrong place.

Page of Swords: It's not going to go well. Someone is defensive.

Page of Cups: You two might just like the idea, so you would prefer to sit around a daydream a relationship up instead of being in one.

Page of Pentacles: There is something very tangible and real, but it moves so slowly that you may grow dust waiting for any action.


I totally agree that the message is that the outcome is an "immature" love. That doesn't mean it's not real love or that it's "bad" love. It does mean that it's going to take some work. But hey, most relationships start with "immature" love. Like a crush or sexual energy. There's nothing wrong with that immature long as it's at the beginning of the relationship rather than in the middle of it.

After a reasonable amount of time, if the relationship's love is still "immature" and not developing into something mature, then it's not likely to last.


I totally agree that the message is that the outcome is an "immature" love. That doesn't mean it's not real love or that it's "bad" love. It does mean that it's going to take some work. But hey, most relationships start with "immature" love. Like a crush or sexual energy. There's nothing wrong with that immature long as it's at the beginning of the relationship rather than in the middle of it.

After a reasonable amount of time, if the relationship's love is still "immature" and not developing into something mature, then it's not likely to last.

Since I was inquiring about outcomes then I would see the pages as "immature" because they aren't being nurtured into that Knight, Queen or King. They have developed into a solid relationship.

I'd like to switch the word "immature" with "unripe" or "undeveloped".... Immature seems to have such a negative meaning. I'm really misusing the word.


Since I was inquiring about outcomes then I would see the pages as "immature" because they aren't being nurtured into that Knight, Queen or King. They have developed into a solid relationship.
Everything goes in cycles. The outcome you're speaking of probably isn't a final final outcome, but the outcome to this cycle of the relationship. The outcome of the next cycle might show progression past the Page.



Everything goes in cycles. The outcome you're speaking of probably isn't a final final outcome, but the outcome to this cycle of the relationship. The outcome of the next cycle might show progression past the Page.


That's good insight if we are talking in time frames and cycles especially if it's a new and budding relationship.


I completely agree with you on the page of swords and cups. I see something different in the other two, though:

Page of Pentacles: a very devoted person rooted firmly in the physical world. This might become a very "sinful" relationship, trying out a lot of things on a sexual level. As earthy earth card, this page might be just the most depraved of them all...

Page of Wands: in my experience the perfect card for some very... how should I put it... hot and steamy action. Not as depraved as the Page of Pentacles but much more passionate and adventurous. Not the baddest card you can get for a relationship.

I think that the sexual aspect of a relationship is very important and much too often ignored. That's why I see these cards as a good sign in a relationship reading. There's at least one thing the querent can build upon, and the passion of the Page of Wands and the devotion of the Page of Pentacles might even lead to something more.

However, there should be other cards, showing that there's something more going on than just physical attraction to be sure. Because as you said, the pages are just the beginning.


In general, I see the Pages as seeds that don't get a good jump start. It's like you have the potential, but it's not going anywhere.
Yes, as an 'Outcome' card this often seems to be the case... A relationship that doesn't "mature" because one party's interest fizzles after a few dates, for example (while the Page remains hopeful), or a budding crush that's too obstacle-ridden/impractical to fully bloom. Perhaps immaturity keeps things from progressing further (wishing only to "play"/unwillingness to commit or accept greater responsibility)... The Page can also reveal someone clinging to an unrequited desire, having insufficient power to influence the other person (though youthful optimism may nonetheless keep him/her fixated on doing so).


In general, I see the Pages as seeds that don't get a good jump start. It's like you have the potential, but it's not going anywhere. Anyone else have any ideas? What has been your experience as Pages as outcomes.

Everything goes in cycles. The outcome you're speaking of probably isn't a final final outcome, but the outcome to this cycle of the relationship. The outcome of the next cycle might show progression past the Page.


In a way, I am totally behind Rodney's interpretation on this one.

I've read that the Pages are the seeds or the precursors for the energy of the Aces of their suit; i.e., the Pages are like a seed taking shape and showing the direction it will grow in (what type of plant it will be, according to the suit of the Page) and then you can glimpse further into the nature of the Page, by looking at the Ace of its suit, to see what the flowering bud will look like.

For example, if the Page shows as the Page of Swords, in my mind then he will bring the energy of the Ace of Swords to the relationship; and the potential of what that Ace implies.

So you could see the Pages as messengers about the energy or feel of the relationship; the potential that the particular suit implies would be what follows.

This, of course, is just about how I read them. :)


Perhaps immaturity keeps things from progressing further (wishing only to "play"/unwillingness to commit or accept greater responsibility)... The Page can also reveal someone clinging to an unrequited desire, having insufficient power to influence the other person (though youthful optimism may nonetheless keep him/her fixated on doing so).

I saw the Page of Wands and Death reversed come up in a relationship reading for a friend two summers ago. I don't really remember the positions and I didn't write it down. But I do remember saying that the relationship was over, yet one person as still clinging to the relationship and trying to make it work. As to this date, that relationship never took off in the direction and one person in that relationship ended up marrying someone else.

In another reading, the Page of Pentacles and Queen of Cups came up. The Page was in the outcome position. I believe this was indicating that even though the querent was fixated on the other person, nothing was going to result from it. I saw the fixation from both the Queen of Cups and Page of Pentacles who both seem extremely fixated on their object.


I think that the sexual aspect of a relationship is very important and much too often ignored. That's why I see these cards as a good sign in a relationship reading. There's at least one thing the querent can build upon, and the passion of the Page of Wands and the devotion of the Page of Pentacles might even lead to something more.

I have seen Pages come up for sexual things, but it's usually rare. Maybe it's my mindset as a mother that keeps me from seeing that because as people cards I see them as children. Romantic is different than sexual. I don't see how sexual aspects are ignored. On the contrary, I see sexuality all over American television. I think people in the West are too caught up in the sexual aspect of romance. I even see it on this forum with people often trying to start a relationship based purely on sex and they are often surprised when the relationship doesn't work out. So it would be undeveloped to say that you would start with the sexual aspects of a relationship because there isn't a relationship base to form a real relationship on. There is nothing solid there. Just people being ignorant to how a real relationship is formed, which isn't on sex, no matter what the media portrays. Though, this is just my experience as a woman and a mother.

In my example about the couple with the Page of Wands/Death reversed there was actually very little sex. So there was nothing but hot tempered disagreements between them. She was a passionate, fiery woman, no doubt, but she wasn't a sexual woman. The woman wasn't from the West and so sex is often viewed very differently in different cultures.