Ace Energy


As it is the first week of the year, I've been spending some time with the aces. Through my work with aces, I've come to understand them as a primal energy, the very essence of the suit. The aces call on us not to work for the suit's gifts, but rather, recognize them when they are offered to us, and to appreciate and utilize that specific energy in our lives.

I'd love to get insight as to how others see/feel/use ace energy in readings. Thoughts on the Aces???


As it is the first week of the year, I've been spending some time with the aces. Through my work with aces, I've come to understand them as a primal energy, the very essence of the suit. The aces call on us not to work for the suit's gifts, but rather, recognize them when they are offered to us, and to appreciate and utilize that specific energy in our lives.

I'd love to get insight as to how others see/feel/use ace energy in readings. Thoughts on the Aces???

As the "root" of the elemental power, they suggest latent potential that must be "triggered" through purposeful application to some conscious objective. They are fertile fields for cultivation, but on their own they don't really go anywhere. I like to think of them as "launching pads" for some action defined by the nature of the suit.


I think of aces like seeds. They contain all the potential of the suit they belong to, but have yet to actually become those things.

A seed that's watered and cultivated can produce much, but without attention and mindfulness, they can just as easily blow away and be nothing at all. An ace in a relationship reading shows a beginning, probably fertile with possibilities, but no real relationship exists yet. An ace in a business reading would should potential for growth, but as of yet, that potential is untapped.

That's how I "use" them, if that helps. :) (Use in quotes, bc I don't feel like I use them myself, but just how I relate to them).