Who is the Hermit?


Who is the Hermit?

The Hermit card is a representation of the constellation Ophiuchus in its Christian form as Saint Benedict, the great physician. In the earlier Roman, Greek and Pre-Hellenic star myths, Ophiuchus symbolized the defeat of evil. Ophiuchus is the messenger of light who treads upon the scorpion (Scorpio) and wrestles with the serpent. (Serpens Caput and Serpens Cauda are one serpent.)

Ophiuchus was a medicine man of ancient times. In a sense, Ophiuchus was a snake charmer, for he was able to obtain the secrets of healing from the snake. Snakes had special powers of healing and knew magic secrets, such as what herbs were necessary for curing a disease. He is seen wrestling with a snake on star maps. The snake itself was worshiped by ancient snake cults which thrived in early times and continued to be revered by the conquering peoples who took over the shrines and worship. Spirits of the diseased were thought to be seen in snakes.

Hebrew mythology places a great significance on the snake or serpent which offers the knowledge of good and evil in the form of a fruit to Eve. The snake was a symbol of wisdom, but was merciless to those who forgot to pay homage to its reptilian form. The snake could withhold rain, light and fertility unless the worshipers offered sacrifice or somehow through force or cunning could make the serpent yield up the fruits that it guarded.

The Greeks saw the stars of Ophiuchus as Asclepius, son of Apollo and Arsinoe, the Greek god of healing whom the Romans called Aesculapius. The Christian star map makers placed Saint Benedict, the hermit and physician of the fifth century, over the stars of Ophiuchus. He gained fame across Europe for his miraculous powers of curing sickness, reading minds, foretelling the future and raising the dead to life again. He was the founder of hermitages and religious retreats. He prescribed a life of prayer, study of sacred scripture, hard work, and communal living for the monks who were taught by the example of his deeds. He was a psychic. In a great vision he saw the entire world as in a sunbeam of the light of God.

“To the ancient Greeks, the constellation represented the god Apollo struggling with a huge snake that guarded the Oracle of Delphi.[16] Later myths identified Ophiuchus with Laocoön, the Trojan priest of Poseidon, who warned his fellow Trojans about the Trojan Horse and was later slain by a pair of sea serpents sent by the gods to punish him.[16]

According to Roman era mythography,[17] the figure represents the healer Asclepius, who learned the secrets of keeping death at bay after observing one serpent bringing another healing herbs. To prevent the entire human race from becoming immortal under Asclepius' care, Jupiter killed him with a bolt of lightning, but later placed his image in the heavens to honor his good works.” - Wikipedia

For images search for “constellation Ophiuchus images”

These are studies of the Hermit card over the stars of Ophiuchus using historical star charts. Links to studies of the Hermit card over Ophiuchus:

Link to art mock up for Hermit over Ophiuchus.
"The Hermit card as Saint Benedict in Ophiuchus"

RWS Hermit card with Ophiuchus stars flipped
4.25' x 2-no-9-Ophiuchus-Flipped Hermit-Benedict

Saint Benedict with Ophiuchus star map flipped
4.25' x 2-no-9-Ophiuchus-Flipped_Hermit-Benedict-S

Julius Schiller (c. 1580 – 1627) version of St. Benedict with Greek letters
4.25' x 2-no-9-Ophiuchus-Flipped Benedict+Greek

Julius Schiller (c. 1580 – 1627) version of St. Benedict
4.25' x 2-no-9-Ophiuchus Benedict-Hermit

RWS Hermit card with Ophiuchus stars flipped and Greek letters
4.25' x 2-no-9-Ophiuchus-Flipped_Hermit-RWS-Starma

Ophiuchus star map flipped
4.25' x 2-no-9-Ophiuchus-Flipped_Benedict-Stars-Fl

Greek star names for stars in Bootes for these illustrations.
Reversed (God's eye view matching star atlas of Julius Schiller (c. 1580 – 1627).
Alpha star is Arcturus.
4.25' x 2-no-5-Greek Star Names

Waite knew that the Hermit card portrayed the constellation Ophiuchus and used Schiller’s illustration as a basis for the artwork as my illustrations demonstrate.

- Cartomancer (Lance Carter)


The Thoth deck shows a direct correlation between the World / Universe card and Ophiuchus ... which has more connections to Mithras actually than the Hermit. {At least this time you are comparing a card to a constellation that is on the ecliptic, like all the other major tarot cards that attribute to constellations }