Old Flame card?


punkangelgcm437 said:
Is there any card that means an old flame or ex boyfriend is gonna come back into my life? I read my horoscope for next month and it said an old flame would come back into my life and Im wondering if there's a card i should watch for.


Whenever I get forewarned (or forearmed, depending on the past acquaintance ;) ) about a reunion, 9.6 times out of 10, the 6 of Cups is in that spread. And, more often than not, it is supported by a court card, letting me know either the Astrological sign of the past person in question, or the type of personality I can expect to have some sort of reunion with.

Oddly enough, if the reunion had a negative flavor, the 7 of Cups would be nearby. Go figure. :) That was especially the case of a certain ex of mine. I'd always get the 6 of Cups, 7 of Cups, and Queen of Wands or King of Wands, depending on the deck (for Leo). It would always warn me that the Leo man I'd once loved under the illusion that we loved each other equally, would re-enter my life in some form or memory.

Fortunately, I don't get that combination of cards anymore. Looking back (ah... hindsight... ;) ), one of the other reasons why 7 of Cups was always connected with it, was because the relationship -at the time- wasn't what I'd consider to be healthy. Too much trying to be something that you aren't in order to please someone other than yourself kind of thing.


Major Tom said:
I submit a poem.

When I think of anywhere else,
I think I'd rather be there.
When I think of being here,
I think I'd rather be there.

If I were here,
and you were there.
What should I be thinking about now?

An old flame could be Justice. })

Think 8. :laugh:

I just did a small 3 card on what my nana [who is deceased] wanted me to know... It was freaky because all 3 cards were the number 8. This is the first time I have ever gotten the same number for all 3. So After doing some research and thinking, I came on here to look up some information... this is such a good place for that. haha My last card was Justice... but it is number 8 in the Tarot De Paris. Pretty cool. Thanks a bunch! :)