Cleansing with sound energy

Briar Rose

Dog's have the best energy!

I have a question;

How does the *cleansing with sound* using tuning forks differ from singing bowls? I have a lot of signing bowls, but no tuning forks.


Dog's have the best energy!

I have a question;

How does the *cleansing with sound* using tuning forks differ from singing bowls? I have a lot of signing bowls, but no tuning forks.

They're all good. Jonathan Goldman, who has done a lot of writing on sound healing, had done research on different sound healing methods until he had a huge stack of information... and each method, each set of frequencies, differed from all the others. So he was wracking his brain trying to figure out why all these methods didn't correlate with one another, and he had a light-bulb moment. INTENTION was the thing that tied all the methods together. So he came up with the formula "Sound plus Intention equals Healing".

I happen to be using the frequencies that are listed earlier in the thread. But there are other people using other tones, and that's fine. Tuning forks, chimes, singing bowls, tingshas, bells... it's all good, as long as the intention is there. And as the later posts in the thread point out, musical instruments are an option, too. It's the intent that's the biggie, rather than the tool that's being used.

Briar Rose

Yes, because intention has it's own vibration frequency.

Check out the book, "Messages in Water." It shows what certain words do to water.
The organic grocery store writes , love, peace, prosperity on a lot of the water bottles for sale. It's nice to see in a huge store like that.


How does the *cleansing with sound* using tuning forks differ from singing bowls? I have a lot of signing bowls, but no tuning forks.

Tuning forks, chimes, singing bowls, tingshas, bells... it's all good, as long as the intention is there. And as the later posts in the thread point out, musical instruments are an option, too. It's the intent that's the biggie, rather than the tool that's being used.
Yes... that's my take on it all, too. I guess the thing about tuning forks is that it applies to a specific chakra, and a set of tuning forks is more affordable than 'forking out' (sorry :)!!!) lots of money for a whole set of crystal or Tibetan singing bowls... Really, it matters not what type the instrument, but intention is all important, as in any healing modality. I think the only limiting factor with regards to singing bowls vs tuning forks etc etc is which instrument of healing offers the most enjoyable, peaceful, experience for the person requiring healing. I love the timbre of brass singing bowls and gongs above other noise-makers, but others will bliss out under crystal etc. I bliss out under certain keys of the native american style flute, too, whereas other people might bliss out to a lower or higher key, perhaps.

I love singing in a choir, because we create harmonies together. At the closing of each choir night we each sing a note, a single extended note, which is the note that our soul feels moved to sing in that moment. Together, our various notes create a beautiful chord which we call a 'heart sound'... in that moment, it's as though we each tone ourselves individually with our soul note, but the harmony chord tones everyone as it washes over us as a group. It's very beautiful... and even if people aren't consciously setting an intention, people's intention would be to simply create harmony... and that is what we are gifted, and that heart sound is as healing as anything else I've experienced! :) Just last week there was a news article about a study of the heart rate of choir members. When they sang together, their hearts almost literally beat as one (as one might expect..) Slower rhythms led to slower heart rate, and the opposite was true for faster paced music, as one would also expect. Whilst chanting, with a slow, maintained, chant, people's heartbeats really got in synch and slowed down significantly, together :)

Singing harmonies and playing my Flute... This is my Medicine :) Many Blessings to you :)

Yes, because intention has it's own vibration frequency.

Check out the book, "Messages in Water." It shows what certain words do to water.
The organic grocery store writes , love, peace, prosperity on a lot of the water bottles for sale. It's nice to see in a huge store like that.
Masura Emoto does some brilliant stuff with his water crystal photography and research. That's great that your local store does that! :)


Yes... that's my take on it all, too. I guess the thing about tuning forks is that it applies to a specific chakra, and a set of tuning forks is more affordable than 'forking out' (sorry :)!!!) lots of money for a whole set of crystal or Tibetan singing bowls... Really, it matters not what type the instrument, but intention is all important, as in any healing modality. I think the only limiting factor with regards to singing bowls vs tuning forks etc etc is which instrument of healing offers the most enjoyable, peaceful, experience for the person requiring healing. I love the timbre of brass singing bowls and gongs above other noise-makers, but others will bliss out under crystal etc. I bliss out under certain keys of the native american style flute, too, whereas other people might bliss out to a lower or higher key, perhaps.

I love singing in a choir, because we create harmonies together. At the closing of each choir night we each sing a note, a single extended note, which is the note that our soul feels moved to sing in that moment. Together, our various notes create a beautiful chord which we call a 'heart sound'... in that moment, it's as though we each tone ourselves individually with our soul note, but the harmony chord tones everyone as it washes over us as a group. It's very beautiful... and even if people aren't consciously setting an intention, people's intention would be to simply create harmony... and that is what we are gifted, and that heart sound is as healing as anything else I've experienced! :) Just last week there was a news article about a study of the heart rate of choir members. When they sang together, their hearts almost literally beat as one (as one might expect..) Slower rhythms led to slower heart rate, and the opposite was true for faster paced music, as one would also expect. Whilst chanting, with a slow, maintained, chant, people's heartbeats really got in synch and slowed down significantly, together :)

Singing harmonies and playing my Flute... This is my Medicine :) Many Blessings to you :)
Yes, because intention has it's own vibration frequency.

Check out the book, "Messages in Water." It shows what certain words do to water.
The organic grocery store writes , love, peace, prosperity on a lot of the water bottles for sale. It's nice to see in a huge store like that.
Masura Emoto does some brilliant stuff with his water crystal photography and research. That's great that your local store does that! :)

I would love to hear that heart note! I bet it's highly therapeutic for everyone taking part. :) I have played music/sung with various groups (orchestra, choir, "folk group", etc.) and the combination of sound plus intent is definitely THERE, too. Even if we aren't consciously thinking of performing sound healing, the effort we are all making to be in sync with one another takes on a life of its own, and when a group is really on point, it's a boost for everyone -- performers and listeners alike. The fact that a lot of this music I've performed with others has been church-related also adds another, positive, sacred sort of energy to the music, as well, and that is another reason why the music can be so uplifting.

Where water is concerned, it's important for us to remember that our bodies are ALSO made up mostly of water. That means we can direct positive energies toward the water in our bodies, the same way we can to water in a bottle. This includes sound-related cleansings, but all other forms of healing work can be performed that way, as well.

Which reminds me. Last night, I gave myself an abbreviated tuning fork treatment (just my huge quartz fork that's tuned to a C note, 512 Hz, and my Awakening chime that's tuned to the same note). I happened to have a bottle of drinking water with me at the time, so I aimed the fork right at the water bottle and gave IT a treatment, too.


I was fortunate last night to be on the line for a special conference call from the Center for Sacred Studies regarding Sound Healing. One of the things that was discussed that I found quite interesting was that the Vagus Nerve is connected to all major organs of the body and it carries the vibration of sound from our inner ear throughout our bodies and therefore carries the healing power of sound within us. It is also hugely involved in the physical make up of our throat chakra center and one of the points of this conference call was that the human voice is the most powerful sound healing tool we possess.

Just wanted to share this little "note" (pardon the pun, I couldn't resist) with everyone! :D


I still remember the first time I participated in a toning circle. Amazing!

Last night I listened to "Sound Mind, Sound Body" by Dr. Andrew Weil. I'd forgotten how beautiful it is. It is based on choice pieces of classical music along with different tones as one relaxes into the "deep" as he calls it. Sure enough, I zonked out. I may have stayed awake once years ago when I got it, but I'm not sure! ha! The only way to tell would be to listen sitting up and stand as soon as you feel drowsy. But in that case, why listen?

One thing about this CD. It feels so beautiful, tears often run freely as I lie listening. Although Dr. Weil's books didn't do much for me, this CD is quite an achievement! It's available on amazon, at least a newer version.

I felt wonderful upon awakening and felt like more classical music, so I listened to the first part of Swan Lake.


I Just got a Herkimer Diamond, which precipitated my engaging in giving it, and myself, an INTENSE sound cleansing. It was already energetically pretty bright, and it didn't seem to have any real negativity or jarring energy left from its being mined, as it simply involved being picked up from the earth, rather than being torn from its foundation somehow. However, I just wanted to ensure that any leftover dissonant vibes, things that might have washed over it while it waited for purchase and during shipping, were cleared away.

Plus, I needed a recharge anyway after a hectic several days. So I made sure that the Herk and a few new jewelry-making tools were right there, along with the stones I normally carry and wear. Then I brought out the tuning fork set and had at it.

Now I feel great, and the stones are bright and happy. It's been a productive morning. :)


Nice! I like finding tones online that we can experiment with for free... it's kind of like a "try before you buy" experience, where we can determine which sounds work well for us before investing in tone-producing tools.

In my case, I am a big fan of 528 Hz, and from the energies they give off after a cleansing, so are my Fluorites. :) So I liked this sound file a lot... I played it back while I was doing other things, and gave the whole room a nice treatment.

Speaking of sound-producing tools, I ran across something that's new to me: "singing pyramids". They're pyramids constructed of quartz rods, rather like my quartz tuning fork is.

They're pretty as heck, but there are two drawbacks in the way of my getting one. First, I don't know that I have the space for one -- some of those pyramids are pretty huge. And second, some of their price tags are also huge, so I'd need to save for a while before making that investment, lol.

Still, they sure are cool-looking tools!