Looking for fun Halloween Party Spreads


I am looking for a spread that can be used by people at a Halloween party... think a bunch of Tarot readers getting together on Halloween to have some fun with their cards. :thumbsup:

I like the "predict your own death" spread, but some people don't feel comfortable using a spread associated with death. I didn't really see something that fits the bill in the Index.

:love: valeria

Astraea Aurora

Hi Valeria!

Some time ago Corinne Kenner (I think it was her ... if not, then it was Mary K. Greer :D) posted a wonderful article on her blog about Tarot games for Halloween. Unfortunately I can't find it any more. Her basic idea was putting Court Cards from different decks inside a bowl (a pumpkin could do well here). Guests then draw one card from the bowl to show what aspect / role they are at the moment. She suggested that the decks shall fit the theme (Halloween that is) and shall not be frightful.

I don't know if there were other games as well but I think so. Maybe you could ask her?

I found this to be a nice basic idea to build upon.

Astraea Aurora :grin:


I played around with the idea for a little and came up with a Halloween spread. It may not be the most profound thing in the world, but I figure, for Halloween, it might be good "for entertainment purposes only." So here it is.

It's called The Haunted House. The layout of cards is supposed to be shaped like a house.


1 - The Skeletons in the Closet - The secrets you keep from others.

2 - The Rats in the Basement - The secrets you keep from yourself.

3 - The Black Cat in the Parlour - What makes your claws come out?

4 - The Jack O Lantern in the Kitchen - What, or who, would you like to carve up with a knife?

5 - The Ghost in the Bedroom - What, or who, haunts your mind and thoughts?

6 - The Spider in the Bathroom - What totally creeps you out.

7 - The Bats in the Attic - What drives you to the brink of madness.

8 - The Front Door - The way out of all this insanity ......... or maybe, the way in. Mwahahahahahahaha!!!


Hope you have a happy Halloween!


I just tried this out with the Halloween deck. I LOVE IT!! :D :D

It would be great for a party, but it gives a good self-analysis reading anyway.


You tried it with the Halloween Tarot? That is altogether too perfect! It must have been hilarious. Well, I'm glad you enjoyed the spread and had some fun with it.

I gave it a test run myself, with the Gothic Tarot by Joseph Vargo. That was pretty cool too, and worked nicely.


Fun indeed. They all were appropriate, but nos. 4, 6, and 7 were spot-on! And no. 8 was quite good advice!


Astraea Aurora said:
Hi Valeria!

Some time ago Corinne Kenner (I think it was her ... if not, then it was Mary K. Greer :D) posted a wonderful article on her blog about Tarot games for Halloween. Unfortunately I can't find it any more. Her basic idea was putting Court Cards from different decks inside a bowl (a pumpkin could do well here). Guests then draw one card from the bowl to show what aspect / role they are at the moment. She suggested that the decks shall fit the theme (Halloween that is) and shall not be frightful.

I don't know if there were other games as well but I think so. Maybe you could ask her?

I found this to be a nice basic idea to build upon.

Astraea Aurora :grin:

Thanks! That's a great idea! I was thinking about putting cards in a pumpkin and having everyone pull the card and then they have to try to get the others to guess what card it is without saying anything - charades for Tarot :D

:love: valeria


Metafizzypop said:
I played around with the idea for a little and came up with a Halloween spread. It may not be the most profound thing in the world, but I figure, for Halloween, it might be good "for entertainment purposes only." So here it is.

It's called The Haunted House. The layout of cards is supposed to be shaped like a house.


1 - The Skeletons in the Closet - The secrets you keep from others.

2 - The Rats in the Basement - The secrets you keep from yourself.

3 - The Black Cat in the Parlour - What makes your claws come out?

4 - The Jack O Lantern in the Kitchen - What, or who, would you like to take a knife to and carve up?

5 - The Ghost in the Bedroom - What, or who, haunts your mind and thoughts?

6 - The Spider in the Bathroom - What totally creeps you out.

7 - The Bats in the Belfry - What drives you to the brink of madness.

8 - The Front Door - The way out of all this insanity ......... or maybe, the way in. Mwahahahahahahaha!!!


Hope you have a happy Halloween!

Awesome spread, Metafizzypop! I really like this! Not too many cards and easy to remember :D

:love: valeria


That's an AWESOME spread! I'll use it at a halloween party I'm going to as well!

le fey

I used a cute variant of the past/present/future 3 card spread last year to good effect. I *think* it's from the Halloween Tarot actually. This is a paraphrase because I don't recall the exact wording.

1 Past - the Ghosts that haunt you from the past.
2 Present - the Goblins that spook you in the present
3 Future - the Pumpkins that are your future harvest.

What I like about it is that it's a familiar spread - no fumbling trying to learn it in a rowdy environment, it's a three card spread so you don't get trapped a long time when a lot of people want readings, and the way it's worded, it ties the three together nicely.. the past affects the present (if its 'haunting' you it is still in play), the present shows what's most occupying your attention now, and the future as a harvest plays up the idea that this comes based on what you have sowed now.

All put in a 'light' way that minimizes discomfort for party guests that may be reading for the first time.