The best daily spreads


The Acceptance spread

sorry about the above picture it was abit off, should be like this.


Hope this is better.


Here's a daily spread that I found in a book called Tarot Tips. It actually is a year spread so you kind of have to dedicate one deck to it for the year. It goes like this:

1. Pull your primary and secondary birthday cards, in my case Hierophant and Temperance.
2. From the rest of the Majors, draw a card for the year, in my case for 2005 the Magician.
Lay those three cards out. They will stay out for the rest of the year.
3. From the rest of the deck, each month draw a card for the month. At the end of the month, put it back in the deck and pull a new card for the new month.
4. Each day, pull a card for the day.

The end result is that every day you have a five card spread to examine but other than the last day of the month, you are basically doing a one card draw each day, but you read that card in relation to the other four. I've found it quite interesting to do, especially those month cards.

I wish I could remember the name of the author but I'm too lazy to go downstairs and look.

For three card daily draws, I like the one in Ariens book, The Tarot Handbook, which is a body mind soul spread that I recommend you check out.



Deanres said:
This is another usefull spread that i use,
it gets to the bottom of what ever question you may want answered,
good for a daily or Difficult question.

Deanres, I really like this spread. I just finished adding it to my Tarot journal and look forward to incorporating it into my routine. Thank you for the thoughtful spread.


1 - 2 - 3

Body -mind -soul



besides a daily reading here's something i do daily which i hope will be of help and interet for you!

i draw one card for the day and next to that, i just list the events of the day and its dominating mood.
this helps me understand he ways a card manifests itself better and i can see connections betwen specific cards and events over a period of time.


I use 7 cards:

#1 - What is today's challenge?
#2 - What is today's blessing/gift?
#3 - What is hidden?
#4 - How will I act/react?
#5 - How will I feel?
#6 - What should I keep in mind/focus on?
#7 - What's next?/What bridges today and the day after?


mahimaisme said:
i draw one card for the day and next to that, i just list the events of the day and its dominating mood.
this helps me understand he ways a card manifests itself better and i can see connections betwen specific cards and events over a period of time.

Sounds simple but effective. I think you have documented the missing step from my routine. I will give it a try.

btw - Do you really live in Nepal? Wow!


I use a three-card spread I made up a while ago. I call it the end-of-the-day review, as when I was working I didn't have time to do a reading in the morning and wanted something for the evenings.


1. What have I learnt or discovered today?
2. How has this affected me, what was my reaction?
3. How can I learn from this, what lessons/conclusions can I draw?


some one posted on the first page;
1: theme of the day
2. issue under the surface
3. advice from the above.

I like this "easy" drawn, and I will re-start my daily reading.