Knight of Wands crossed by Wheel of Fortune?


I did a general Celtic Cross reading last night where most of the cards made sense and were positive (apart from the hopes and fears card which was five of wands). However in position 1 I got Knight of Wands crossed by Wheel of Fortune in position 2 and I am confused as to how to interpret this. My understanding is Knight of Wands is usually a house move and Wheel of Fortune fate/luck/inevitability. Now I have no plans to move from my rented house but I am 3 weeks behind with my rent currently so I am concerned this could mean eviction? But all my other cards are positive ending with four of pentacles which is usually good money news. I'm stumped! Any ideas?


I've never heard of the Knight OF Wands being a house move, but okay. To me he represents fleeting and temporary situations. So with that as your #1, crossed by WoF, I think this is the tarot telling you, your concerns are temporary and events will sort themselves out rather quickly.

Lucas Prince of Cats

To me, the knight of wands can be taking on new ventures.


Thanks for those ideas. I recently started a new job with a boss who would pretty much personify the Knight, maybe it could be somehow a reference to that leading to the more positive cards?